

= module-info :toc:

A utility for generating module-info.class files from any JDK version (including 8). The module-info.class file is generated by reading a source YAML file, optionally merging in values from your project and/or build system, and then producing the class file from the result.

== YAML file format

Module information is given in the YAML file format.

=== Root elements

The YAML descriptor can contain the following basic elements:

[options="header"] .Root elements |=== | Name | Description | name | The name of the module as a string (required) | version | The module's <<version-strings,version>> as a string (optional, may be provided by build system) | open | A boolean value; set to true to open the entire module (optional) | mainClass | The name of the module's main class as a string, if it is runnable (optional) | packages | A list of package names to include in the module definition (optional, may be detected) | requires | A list of <<requirements,dependency modules>> that are used by this module (optional, may be provided by build system) | exports | A list of <<exports,exported packages>> that are provided by this module (optional, may be detected) | opens | A list of <<exports,exported packages>> that are provided by this module with reflection access (optional) | uses | A list of service class names (as strings) that are used by this module (optional, may be detected) | provides | A list of <<provides,provided services>> that are provided by this modules for other modules to use (optional, may be detected) |===

The following elements may also be given but are only useful for advanced use cases:

[options="header"] .Less common root elements |=== | Name | Description | synthetic | A boolean value; set to true to set the ACC_SYNTHETIC flag on the module (optional) | mandated | A boolean value; set to true to set the ACC_MANDATED flag on the module (optional) | sourceFile | The string name of the source file of this descriptor (optional) | annotations | A list of <> that are attached to the module declaration (optional) |===

[id="version-strings"] ==== Version strings

Version strings do not have any particular syntax requirement. Normally the version string will be extracted by your build system and added to the module descriptor automatically, so it is likely that in this case, the version string for your project will adhere to the syntax requirements of the build system.

The Java platform module system does care about version syntax in certain cases. The module system contains an API which represents the module descriptor. Version strings which fail to follow the rules set by the descriptor will fail to parse by this API. However, few (if any) programs rely on this API, so for most programs, this is not anything to be concerned about.

[id="requirements"] === Module requirements (dependencies)

Required modules are described as a list of nested objects which can contain the following elements:

[options="header"] .Elements of module requirements |=== | Name | Description | module | The module name that is required by this requirement, as a string (required) | version | A version associated with this requirement, as a string (optional); this is ignored by the platform and is mainly useful for the purpose of documenting the version of the dependency that was present at build time | static | A boolean which indicates whether this dependency is optional, meaning the module can be loaded even if the dependency is not satisfied at run time; defaults to false | transitive | A boolean which indicates whether this dependency should be made readable to modules which depend on this module; defaults to false |===

In addition, the following more esoteric elements are supported for requirements:

[options="header"] .Less common elements of module requirements |=== | Name | Description | synthetic | A boolean value; set to true to set the ACC_SYNTHETIC flag on the requirement (optional) | mandated | A boolean value; set to true to set the ACC_MANDATED flag on the requirement (optional) |===

[id="exports"] === Module exports

Exported packages are described as a list of objects with the following elements:

[options="header"] .Elements of module exports |=== | Name | Description | package | The package name to export, as a string (required) | pattern | Defines if the package is a regular expression, as a boolean (optional), false by default. Allows to describe multiple packages (matching the pattern) to be exported/opened to the same list of target modules | to | A list of target module names to export the module to; if not given, the package is exported to all dependent modules (optional) |===

In addition, the following more esoteric elements are supported for exports:

[options="header"] .Less common elements of module exports |=== | Name | Description | synthetic | A boolean value; set to true to set the ACC_SYNTHETIC flag on the export (optional) | mandated | A boolean value; set to true to set the ACC_MANDATED flag on the export (optional) |===

[id="provides"] === Provided services

A module can provide implementations of service APIs using the java.util.ServiceLoader mechanism. Provided services are described as a list of objects with the following elements:

[options="header"] .Elements of service providence |=== | Name | Description | serviceType | The service class name to provide, as a string (required) | with | A list of strings containing the class names of the service implementations (required) |===

[id="annotations"] === Annotations

Module-level annotations can be provided in the YAML descriptor as objects with the following elements:

[options="header"] .Elements of module-level annotations |=== | Name | Description | type | The class name of the annotation type (required) | visible | A boolean value; set to true to specify that the annotation value is run-time visible (optional) | values | A map whose keys are the annotation parameter names and whose values are the annotation parameter values (optional) |===

Annotation value types are generally inferred from the value's YAML type (which can be coerced using[YAML schema tags] if necessary).

Nested annotations, class values, and enum values are not yet supported, but will be supported in a future version.

=== YAML Example

You can define a module-info.yml file in your project's base directory like this one:

.Example module-info.yml file

name: version: 1.45 # this shows up in stack traces; useful for debugging packages: # this can also be provided automatically; see below - - - requires: - module: blork.common version: 2.12 # this is documentation, not used by the run time exports: - package: - package: to: - provides: - serviceType: with: - - uses: - blork.common.FooService

You can add in other content according to the included schema.

== Usage

This project is intended to be consumed either directly on the command line, or from a build system such as Maven.

=== Command line usage

The generator can be executed as a standalone JAR from the command line, like this:

[source,shell script]

java -jar module-info.jar [OPTION]...

Or like this:

[source,shell script]

java -p <path-to-directory-with-module-info.jar> -m io.github.dmlloyd.module-info [OPTION]...

The following command-line options are supported:

[cols="1,3,2,7", options="header"] .Supported command line options |=== | Short name | Long name | Default | Description | -i | --module-info-yml | none | Optional - A string specifying the location of the input module-info.yml file | -o | --output-dir | none | Required - A string specifying the directory into which the generated module-info.class file should be placed | | --class-path | none | Optional - The class path of the module (separated by : or ;, depending on platform) to examine for detecting requirements, packages, etc. | -n | --module-name | none | Optional - The module name to use, overriding the name given in the module-info.yml file | -v | --module-version | none | Optional - The module version to use, overriding the version given in the module-info.yml file | | --add-mandatory | true | Optional - Add the mandatory java.base dependency to the module definition | | --add-packages | true | Optional - Automatically add all packages found on the given class path | | --add-exports | true | Optional - Automatically export all packages that do not contain a segment called _private or internal | | --detect-uses | true | Optional - Automatically detect all service types used by this module | | --detect-provides | true | Optional - Automatically add all entries found in META-INF/services on the class path to this module as provided services | | --detect-version | false | Optional - Automatically set the module version based on information in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, if any | | --help | none | Print the help message and exit |===

=== Maven usage

The Maven artifact of this project also serves as a Maven plugin which will process your compiled project to produce the module-info.class file in the project output directory. The current version can be found at .

The plugin will dynamically determine the correct descriptor values for most simple projects, including using a simple algorithm to derive a suitable module name from the project group and artifact ID, but the configuration can be fine-tuned as described below.

Note that there is presently no support for extracting module requirements from the project. Any module dependencies have to be explicitly listed in the module-info.yml file.

==== Maven configuration

The following properties are supported by the single generate goal, which is bound to the process-classes phase:

[cols="2,2,1,5"] .Maven required parameters |=== | Name | Type | Since | Description | <outputDirectory> | File | 1.0 | The directory where the module-info.class file should be installed.

Default value is: ${} | <classesDirectory> | File | 1.0 | The directory where class files can be read from.

Default value is: ${} | <moduleArtifactId> | String | 1.0 | The artifact ID to use to generate a module name, if none is given.

Default value is: ${project.artifactId} | <moduleGroupId> | String | 1.0 | The group ID to use to generate a module name, if none is given.

Default value is: ${project.groupId} |===

[cols="2,2,1,5"] .Maven optional parameters |=== | Name | Type | Since | Description | <moduleInfoYml> | File | 1.0 | The path to the module-info.yml file.

Default value is: ${}/module-info.yml | <skip> | boolean | 1.0 | If set to true, the plugin is skipped; generally useful for overriding behavior from the command line.

Default value is: false

User property is: module-info.skip | <addPackages> | boolean | 1.0 | If set to true, all packages found in the project classes will be added to the module definition.

Default value is: true

User property is: module-info.add-packages | <addExports> | boolean | 1.0 | If set to true, all packages that do not contain a segment called \_private, private_ or internal will be exported to dependents. Package filtering can be adjusted with the exportExcludes parameter.

Default value is: true

User property is: module-info.add-exports | <exportExcludes> | String | 2.2 | If addExports (module-info.add-exports) is set to true, this regexp will be used to determine if the package should be excluded.

Default value is: ^.\*\b(internal\|\_private\|private_)\b.*$

User property is: module-info.export-excludes | <moduleName> | String | 1.0 | Specify the module name to use. If not given, a module name is constructed from the project group and artifact ID.

User property is: module-info.module-name | <moduleVersion> | String | 1.0 | Specify the module version to use.

Default value is: ${project.version}

User property is: module-info.module-version | <addMandatory> | boolean | 1.0 | If true, add the mandatory java.base requirement.

Default value is: true

User property is: module-info.add-mandatory | <detectUses> | boolean | 1.0 | If true, attempt to automatically detect all service types used by this module.

Default value is: true

User property is: module-info.detect-uses | <detectProvides> | boolean | 1.0 | If true, automatically add all entries found in META-INF/services on the class path to this module as provided services.

Default value is: true

User property is: module-info.detect-provides |===

==== Maven usage example

Add a snippet like this to your pom.xml to get started:

.Example Maven POM snippet


==== Advanced case: shade plugin

The maven-shade-plugin has an unfortunate limitation in that it deletes any module-info.class from the target artifact, even if you carefully included all of the shaded packages in their final locations.

In order to work around this problem, a second goal is defined in this project for the case where the shade plugin is used. The goal simply re-adds the compiled module-info.class to the JAR. To use the goal, add this execution to the module-info plugin configuration:

.Add an execution to re-add module-info.class


== Building this project

This project is built with Maven. Since the project defines a plugin that is in turn used by itself, the build must be run twice: once to bootstrap the plugin, and once to build it with its own module-info.

Run both commands:

[source,shell script]
.Commands to run to build this project

mvn clean install -Dbootstrap
mvn clean install

Extracted from project README
Maven Central