
java wrapper for mongodump and mongorestore

MIT License



A simple java wrapper for mongodb backup commands : mongodump & mongorestore


Goal is to provide to any java application, a simple and light way to backup a Mongo database:

  • backup/restore locally through zip file on the local storage
  • backup/restore remotely using API - store backup zip file on the cloud : a remote secure dropbox directory

GowTo setup maven dependency

Add in your pom


HowTo use from command line

Under bash-like console, you could execute Otherwise, launch the following command:

java -jar target/mongodbdump-java-wrapper-1.4.jar -h

HowTo use from java code : backup/restore database to/from DropBox

  • subscribe and login onto

  • create your dropbox application for your backup (example : MongoWrapper)

  • configure your environment to use dropbox service: (mandatory) a dropbox access TOKEN of your app plus an optional application name. Example :


example of backup:

	MongoServerHostConfiguration hostConf = new MongoServerHostConfiguration();
	MongodumpService mService = MongodumpService.getInstance(hostConf);
	BackupConfiguration backupConf = BackupConfiguration.getInstance("myDatabase", "myBackup");
	String backupLocalZipFile = mService.backup(backupConf);

Integration tests

Integration tests are good way to know how to use this library. Each main feature is described with a dedicated integration test.


  • backup full database locally
    • GIVEN: database name
    • WHEN: BACKUP action
    • THEN: fresh backup zip file created from the database
  • restore locally
    • GIVEN: database name, backup file name
    • WHEN: RESTORE action
    • THEN: fresh database restore done from backup zip file


  • backup full database on dropbox
    • GIVEN: database name
    • WHEN: BACKUP action
    • THEN: fresh backup zip file uploaded onto dropbox (created from the database)
  • restore dropbox backup
    • GIVEN: database name, dropbox backup file name
    • WHEN: RESTORE action
    • THEN: fresh database restore done from downloaded backup zip file


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Contributions are welcome through feature branch and pull request.

If you encounter issue, please provide details on a new ticket.

TODO list

  • add the way to auto-detect mongo executables on an openshift context (at runtime on an openshift gear)