
Multi-server, single-world papermc implementation

GPL-3.0 License



MultiPaper is in public beta. Most features work for most players most of the time, however things can occasionally break.

1.20.1 Purpur fork that enables a server admin to scale a single world across multiple servers. Multiple MultiPaper servers run the same world and use a MultiPaper-Master to coordinate with each other and store server data. While the MultiPaper-Master is usually run as a standalone server, it can also be run as a BungeeCord or Velocity plugin, which has some benefits including being able to send players to the least busy server when they join.

MultiPaper 2.0:

  • Works like a CDN

    • Each server caches chunks that are needed by the players it's serving
    • The servers keep each others' caches in sync with each other
    • The servers work together to ensure every chunk gets ticked
    • Does not require BungeeCord or Velocity, just some load balancing method to evenly
      distribute players across the servers
  • MultiPaper-Master

    • Stores the world files and data
    • Coordinates the servers
      • Decides who gets to tick the chunk (first in first served basis)
    • Runs as a standalone process
      • For your convenience, it can also run as a BungeeCord or Velocity plugin

How chunk syncing works:

  • When a server reads a chunk, it asks the Master to load the chunk from the
    region file. If another server has ownership of the chunk, the Master will
    notify the server to request the chunk from that server instead, so that it
    gets the most up-to-date copy.
  • When the server wants to tick an unowned chunk, it won't, but will instead
    send a request to the Master to take ownership of it. If ownership is
    granted, the chunk will be ticked on next tick. If ownership is denied since
    another server owns it, the server will keep the chunk in sync with that
  • A chunk may be loaded on a server but have no owner if it's outside the
    simulation distance. This is because the chunk won't be ticked by any server.
  • When a server has a chunk loaded into memory, it will subscribe to any
    changes made within that chunk. This means if any server changes a block
    inside the chunk, it will be updated on all servers subscribed to that chunk.

The use case

For servers that wish to maintain all vanilla mechanics while scaling up, MultiPaper is for you. Usually when a Minecraft server chooses to scale their player count up, they have to sacrifice various mechanics such as render distance, mob spawning, and redstone.

With MultiPaper, there is no need to ruin the vanilla experience. All you need are new servers when you wish to scale. Instead of having 1 server handling 100 players, you can have 10 servers handling 10 players each. This allows you to keep expensive vanilla mechanics like a large render distance, mob farms, and massive redstone contraptions.

It can scale

Perhaps 100 players isn't enough for you. You want to push the limits of your Minecraft server to the extreme with upwards of 1000 players online at once. Well, MultiPaper is also for you. With its ability to horizontally scale, the hardware's the limit.


MultiPaper includes a few commands mainly for debug purposes:

/servers List all servers running on this MultiPaper cluster. Includes performance indicators such as TPS, tick duration, and player count.

/slist List all online players and what server they're on.

/mpdebug Toggle a debug visualisation showing chunks that your server is ticking (aqua) and chunks being ticked by another server (red). The server ticking the chunk you are standing in is displayed above the action bar.

/mpmap Show a map of nearby chunks and which server owns them. Up represents north. If your server owns the chunk, the chunk is shown as aqua. If another server owns the chunk, it's shown as red. If the chunk is in memory but not within simulation range on your server, it's shown as white. Chunks not loaded on your server are shown as grey.

Setting up MultiPaper

  • Download MultiPaper and MultiPaper-Master from
  • Place your worlds inside the directory being used for MultiPaper-Master
  • Start the MultiPaper-Master by either:
    • Standalone: java -jar multipaper-master.jar <port> [optionalProxyPort]
    • BungeeCord plugin: Set the port in plugins/MultiPaperProxy/config.yml
    • Velocity plugin: Set the port in plugins/multipaper-velocity/config.toml
  • In each MultiPaper server:
    • Run the server once the generate the config file multipaper.yml
    • Put the name of the server used in the BungeeCord or Velocity config into bungeecordName
      • If you're not using BungeeCord or Velocity, just make it some unique identifier
      • eg. survival1
    • Put the address and port of the MultiPaper-Master in multipaperMasterAddress
      • eg. localhost:35353

Command line options

Command line options are provided that allow the config files, spigot.yml, paper.yml, and multipaper.yml to be overridden for easier scalability. For example:

  -jar multipaper.jar

The built-in proxy

MultiPaper provides a proxy (like Bungeecord or Velocity) that can be used to hide the multipaper servers behind a single address. The proxy automatically selects the multipaper server with the lowest load and forwards the player to it. The proxy provides no extra features and is designed to be as fast and light-weight as possible. When using the proxy, you will need to set bungeecord to true in the multipapers' spigot.yml.

This proxy is only available when running a standalone MultiPaper-Master installation and can be started by specifying a port for it to listen on:

java -jar multipaper-master.jar <port> [proxy port]

For example, to run the MultiPaper-Master on port 35353 and the proxy on port 25565, you'd run:

java -jar multipaper-master.jar 35353 25565

Using MultiPaper with plugins

For a plugin to work with MultiPaper, it needs to support multiple servers. A good indication of this, but not a guarantee, is if a plugin uses a MySQL database.

Developing a plugin for MultiPaper

To make a plugin compatible with MultiPaper, no data must be stored on the server itself and must instead be stored on an external server such as a MySQL database.

Some other things to look out for:

  • Caches can prevent the plugin from getting the most up-to-date data.
  • PlayerJoinEvent and PlayerQuitEvent will only be called on one server,
    however other events for the player could be called on any server.
  • Bukkit.broadcastMessage will send the message to all players on all
    MultiPaper servers.
  • Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers will return the players only on your server. Use
    Bukkit.getAllOnlinePlayers to get the players across all servers.
  • You can use Player.isLocalPlayer, Chunk.isLocalChunk,
    Location.isChunkLocal, Entity.isInLocalChunk, Block.isInLocalChunk
    to check if its being managed by your server.

Using the MultiPaper API as a dependency

If you want your plugin to still support regular Spigot and Paper servers, we recommend using MultiLib instead.

Add the following into your build.gradle:

repositories {
  maven {
    url ""

dependencies {
  compile "com.github.puregero:multipaper-api:1.20.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT"

Or in your pom.xml:




  • You need git installed, with a configured user name and email.
    On windows you need to run from git bash.
  • You need jdk 17+ installed to compile (and jre 17+ to run)

Build instructions:

  1. Patch paper with: ./gradlew applyPatches
  2. Build the multipaper jars with: ./gradlew shadowjar createReobfPaperclipJar
  3. Get the multipaper jar from build/libs
  4. Get the multipaper-master jar from MultiPaper-Master/build/libs

Publishing to maven local

Publish to your local maven repository with: ./gradlew publishToMavenLocal

Note for mac users: The latest macOS version includes an incompatible version of diff and you'll need to install a compatible one. Use brew install diffutils to install it, and then reopen the terminal window.

If diff --version returns the following, it is incompatible and will not work:

Apple diff (based on FreeBSD diff)


All code is licensed under GPLv3 excluding MultiPaper-Master which is licensed under MIT.


MultiPaper includes optimisations from both Airplane and Pufferfish.

MultiPaper uses PaperMC's paperweight framework found here.