

Music Quiz UI Automation framework

This is portfolio project on automation of test scripts using UI tests for


Technology stack used

In this project, automated tests are written in Java 21 using the Selenium framework for UI testing.

  • Maven is used as the build tool.
  • JUnit5 is the testing framework.
  • Allure is integrated for generating test reports.
  • The Page Object Model design pattern is implemented to separate the test logic from the UI structure, making the code more maintainable and reusable.
  • For remote test execution, the project is set up with Github Actions which builds the tests, generates an Allure report, and publishes the results on Github Pages.
  • Configured cloud-based testing with Selenium Grid for distributed and parallel test execution.
  • Ensured security by masking sensitive data in the reports and automation processes.
  • Implemented parameterized testing to optimize test case flexibility and scalability using JUnit annotations

Instructions to Create a Valid Sheet.xlsx File

To create a valid src/test/resources/data/Sheet.xlsx file based on a template, follow these steps:

Step 1: Locate the Template

A template file named SheetTemplate.xlsx is provided in the repository at src/test/resources/data/SheetTemplate.xlsx.

Step 2: Copy the Template

Copy the SheetTemplate.xlsx file to create a new file named Sheet.xlsx in the same directory.

Step 3: Open the Sheet.xlsx file in Excel or any other spreadsheet editor.

Make sure to fill in the required data fields as shown below:

Example Sheet.xlsx

Here’s a detailed view of what the SheetTemplate.xlsx file should contain:

| Name | John | | Phone | 48152829319 | | Email | [email protected] | | Team | DreamTeam | | Number of teammates | 7 | | Password | strongpass!@#$%57 |

Make sure each field corresponds to the expected format and content based on your application's requirements.

Running the Tests

To execute all the tests, run the following command in the CLI: mvn clean test -Pregression-tests

For only smoke tests: mvn clean test -Psmoke-tests

For only positive tests: mvn clean test -Ppositive-tests

For only negative tests: mvn clean test -Pnegative-tests

Viewing Allure Reports

After running the tests, you can view the Allure reports by executing:

mvn allure:report

Example of Allure Report

Report with test results

Build with Github Actions

  1. Go to music-quiz-automation repository
  2. Press to Actions tab
  1. Press Full Regression Test workflow (on the left panel)
  1. Press Run workflow button
  1. Wait till the build will be completed.

See Allure Report from Github Pages

  1. After build completed go to Actions tab again
  1. Click on the pages and deployment link
  1. Click on the link
  1. Now you can see Allure report

If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact me at: [email protected]