
HTML5 SnapChat clone developed with Spring and AngularDart


OpenSnap is a sample reactive application based on:

  • Java 8, Spring Framework 4, Spring Boot and asynchronous MongoDB driver on serverside
  • Dart and AngularDart on client side

STOMP messages over websocket are used for 2 ways communication between client and server.

Slides of my Devoxx and MixIT talk "Reactive applications with Spring, AngularDart and Websocket" based on OpenSnap are available on SpeakerDeck.

You can also try the demo (only Chrome supported for now).

How to run it ?


Build and run OpenSnap:


  • Make sure that Chrome does not run at the same time than Dartium, since it could prevent the webcam to work

How to contribute ?

Feel free to send pull requests !

My reference development environment is IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 + its Dart plugin. You should :

  • import OpenSnap as a Gradle project
  • Open OpenSnap module settings and set Java project level to Java 8
  • Enable Dart on opensnap-client module (Preferences -> Dart -> Enable Dart for this project + check opensnap-client module).
  • Ensure that working directory is set to the absolute path of opensnap/opensnap-server and not only opensnap in run application property.

To run server side, just run or debug Application class main method. For client side, be sure to use URL in order to avoid cross domain issues