
Sponge library to manipulate incoming and outgoing Packets.



A Sponge library allowing plugins to listen to, modify and intercept incoming and outgoing packets.


To build PacketGate on your own machine, clone or download the repository, navigate into the directory and run ./gradlew setupDecompWorkspace to set up ForgeGradle and the Access Transformers.

Run ./gradlew build to simply build the jar.

Alternatively, run ./gradlew install to build the jar and deploy it to your local maven repository to use it as a dependency in other projects. As the PacketGate library is in no public maven repository yet, this is the best approach to use PacketGate as a dependency as of now.


To use PacketGate in one of your plugins, you need to use ForgeGradle and add PacketGate as a compile-time dependency. We suggest using to depend on PacketGate like so:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.CrushedPixel:PacketGate:0.1.2'


The PacketGate library provides a PacketGate class that acts as the registry for PacketListeners and provides PacketConnections for all online players.

You can get an instance of PacketGate using Sponge's ServiceManager:

Optional<PacketGate> optional = Sponge.getServiceManager().provide(PacketGate.class);
if (optional.isPresent()) {
    PacketGate packetGate = optional.get();
    // use PacketGate
} else {
    // the PacketGate plugin is not installed on the server

Writing a PacketListener

The PacketListener interface exposes two methods: onPacketWrite and onPacketRead which are called whenever a packet of a type the listener is registered to is received from/sent to a client.

For convenience reasons, the abstract class PacketListenerAdapter implements those methods, so you only have to override the methods if you actually need them.

 * An example PacketListener filtering certain swear words sent by the client.
public class SwearWordListener extends PacketListenerAdapter {
    public void onPacketRead(PacketEvent event, PacketConnection connection) {
        if (!(event.getPacket() instanceof CPacketChatMessage)) return;
        CPacketChatMessage packet = (CPacketChatMessage)event.getPacket();
        if (packet.getMessage().contains("shit") || packet.getMessage().contains("damn")) {
            // cancel the event so the server will act like the client never sent it
            // get a Sponge player from the PacketConnection
            Player player = Sponge.getServer().getPlayer(connection.getPlayerUUID());
            // send the player some warning words
            player.sendMessage(Text.of("Please don't swear!"));

You can also modify the packet instead of cancelling it, for example:

String censored = packet.getMessage().replaceAll("shit|damn", "****");
event.setPacket(new CPacketChatMessage(censored));

Registering a PacketListener

When registering a PacketListener, you have to provide a ListenerPriority and the Packet classes the listener should listen to:

    new ExampleListener(), 

A PacketListener can be registered globally or for a certain PacketConnection only. To retrieve the PacketConnection instance for a certain player, use PacketGate#connectionByPlayer(Player).

public void registerSwearWordListener(Player player) {
    Sponge.getServiceManager().provide(PacketGate.class).ifPresent(packetGate -> {
        PacketConnection connection = packetGate.connectionByPlayer(player).get();
            new SwearWordListener(),

To unregister a PacketListener, simply call PacketGate#unregisterListener(PacketListener) and it won't listen to any packets sent out to any PacketConnection anymore.

Note that a PacketConnection can only be retrieved from a Player instance after the server has sent out the SPacketLoginSuccess packet to the client, so any packet sent before the Play state may only be handled on a global scale!

Sending packets

You can send any Packet to a client using PacketConnection#sendPacket(Packet). This can be used to send packets without the need to modify a PacketEvent in a PacketListener.


You can find a full example plugin using PacketGate at CrushedPixel/PacketGateExamples.