
Android library for EditText. Easy way for add phone readability in your project.

APACHE-2.0 License



PhoneMask is lightweight android library for EditText formatting. Easy way for add phone readability in your project.

How to use it

In Kotlin Just use PhoneMaskManager class

                .withMask(" (###) ###-##-##")
                .withValueListener(object : ValueListener{
                    override fun onPhoneChanged(phone: String) {
                .bindTo((findViewById( as EditText))

You can also use this in Java,

 new PhoneMaskManager()
                .withMask(" (###) ###-##")

About methods

Init methods

  • withMask (required field) Init your mask format. Use # symbol by default

  • withMaskSymbol (optional field) Changing default symbol mask

  • withRegion (optional field) Init your region

  • withValueListener (optional field) If you want to receive callback from EditText just add ValueListener, and you receive phone string in clear format (For example: +70009199191)

  • withOnFocusChangeListener (optional field) If you want to set OnFocusChangeListener for EditText use this method

  • bindTo (required calling) Afrer setup just call this method for binding to EditText

Get methods

  • getPhone
    Return phone in clear format (For example: +70009199191)



or Gradle:

repositories {

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.vacxe:phonemask:1.0.5'
Extracted from project README
Android Arsenal
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