
A set of Gradle plug-ins that greatly simplify project management / 一套极大简化项目管理的Gradle插件集

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plugins - 🔖 1.5.2 新年快乐

Published by henry-hub 10 months ago

✨ Features

  • feat(javaagent): 新增ihub-javaagent插件,支持启动配置代理插件 @henry-hub (#714)
  • feat(shadow): 新增ihub-shadow插件,集成Shadow支持构建uberjar @henry-hub (#712)

⬆️ Dependency Updates

  • build(deps): bump pub.ihub.lib:ihub-dependencies from 1.3.0 to 1.3.1 @dependabot (#720)
  • ci: byte-buddy版本升级 @henry-hub (#719)
  • build(deps): bump cn.hutool:hutool-bom from 5.8.23 to 5.8.24 @dependabot (#718)
  • build(deps): bump org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin from 1.9.21 to 1.9.22 @dependabot (#715)
  • build(gradle): 升级gradle至8.5 @henry-hub (#706)
  • build(deps): bump pub.ihub.plugin.ihub-settings from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1 @dependabot (#702)
plugins - 1.4.0-JAVA8

Published by henry-hub about 1 year ago

plugins - 🔖 1.3.2-RC1

Published by henry-hub over 1 year ago

✨ Features

  • feat(catalog): 新增catalog版本配置 @henry-hub (#487)
  • feat(kotlin): 新增ihub-kotlin插件 @henry-hub (#461)
  • refactor: 标准化插件扩展参数 @henry-hub (#455)

📝 Documentation

  • docs: 文档整理 @henry-hub (#440)
  • docs: 文档配置调整 @henry-hub (#438)
  • docs: 文档迁移回main分支 @henry-hub (#425)

⬆️ Dependency Updates

  • build(deps): bump pub.ihub.lib:ihub-dependencies from 1.1.4 to 1.1.5 @dependabot (#490)
  • build(deps): bump pub.ihub.lib:ihub-dependencies from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4 @dependabot (#489)
  • build(deps): bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin from 3.0.5 to 3.0.6 @dependabot (#477)
  • build(deps): bump org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin from 1.8.20 to 1.8.21 @dependabot (#481)
  • build(deps): bump pl.droidsonroids.jacoco.testkit from 1.0.10 to 1.0.11 @dependabot (#474)
  • build(gradle): 升级gradle至8.1 @henry-hub (#473)
  • build(deps): bump org.graalvm.buildtools:native-gradle-plugin from 0.9.20 to 0.9.21 @dependabot (#462)
  • build(deps): bump io.freefair.gradle:lombok-plugin from 6.6.3 to 8.0.1 @dependabot (#457)
  • build(deps): bump io.freefair.gradle:git-plugin from 6.6.3 to 8.0.1 @dependabot (#456)
  • build(deps): bump io.freefair.gradle:plugin-utils from 6.6.3 to 8.0.1 @dependabot (#459)
  • build(deps): bump io.freefair.gradle:github-plugin from 6.6.3 to 8.0.1 @dependabot (#460)
  • build(deps): bump org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-gradle-plugin from 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 @dependabot (#458)
  • gradle: bump pub.ihub.plugin.ihub-settings from 1.3.1-rc2 to 1.3.1 @dependabot (#417)

🧰 Maintenance

  • ci(github): 启用Gradle构建扫描 @henry-hub (#494)
  • ci(github): 调整CI/CD流程 @henry-hub (#493)
plugins - 🔖 1.2.10

Published by henry-hub about 2 years ago

✨ Features

  • feat(encoding): ihub-java插件添加Java编译编码配置,默认UTF-8 @henry-hub (#305)
  • feat(java): 调整组件能力依赖方式 @henry-hub (#304)
  • feat(groovy4): 配置groovy4时对应的spock组件版本 @henry-hub (#301)
  • feat(groovy): 添加“是否启用Groovy 4”的开关 @zhanghuabin (#299)

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • fix(java): 修正组件多个能力配置失败的问题 @henry-hub (#302)

⬆️ Dependency Updates

  • gradle: bump ihub-core from 1.0.11 to 1.0.12 in /ihub-plugins @dependabot (#306)
  • gradle: bump spring-boot-gradle-plugin from 2.7.2 to 2.7.3 in /ihub-plugins @dependabot (#303)
  • gradle: bump springdoc-openapi-gradle-plugin from 1.3.4 to 1.4.0 in /ihub-plugins @dependabot (#298)
  • gradle: bump dependency-management-plugin from 1.0.12.RELEASE to 1.0.13.RELEASE in /ihub-plugins @dependabot (#300)
  • feat(version): 升级PMD、Codenarc、Jacoco版本 @henry-hub (#307)
  • gradle: bump pub.ihub.plugin.ihub-settings from 1.2.8 to 1.2.9 @dependabot (#297)

🧰 Maintenance

  • fix(java): Groovy增量编译与Java注释处理器不能同时使用 @henry-hub (#309)
  • fix(test): 修正测试用例 @henry-hub (#308)
  • ci(github): 调整工作流组件版本 @henry-hub (#296)
plugins - 🔖 发布1.0.13

Published by henry-hub about 3 years ago

🐛 System Property整数类型参数转换问题 #69
🎨 子项目配置扩展配置优化 #73
🎨 完善ihub-boot插件 #3
🎨 完善ihub-native插件 #4
🎨 Bom插件版本属性配置整理 #77
🐛 修复发布组件使用http仓库BUG #78

plugins - 🔖 发布1.0.12

Published by henry-hub over 3 years ago

🐛 修复jaxb配置BUG #57
✨ 添加jacoco-aggregation插件支持聚合子项目测试覆盖率报告 #48
✨ Lombok @Data Improve your Code Coverage #56
♻️ 重构属性配置 #41

plugins - 🔖 发布1.0.11

Published by henry-hub over 3 years ago

✨ 【需求】添加Jacoco Console Report #38
⬆️ 升级Gradle以及插件组件版本 #34
✅ 添加插件基础单元测试 #39
🐛 Setting插件skippedDirs单独项目属性配置不生效 #31

plugins - 🔖 发布1.0.10

Published by henry-hub over 3 years ago

🐛 Task配置系统属性没有配置会报空指针错误 #30
🐛 单项目应用日志打印报空指针 #32
🐛 Setting插件skippedDirs单独项目属性配置不生效 #31
🎨 整理Groovy插件默认依赖组件,某些组件2.5版本不存在 #33
✨ Test插件区分Groovy和Java项目配置测试依赖 #35
✨ Bom插件支持group排除组件依赖
🎨 代码整理:添加静态检查

plugins - 🔖 发布1.0.9

Published by henry-hub over 3 years ago

🐛 iHubTest插件处理系统属性时有问题 #27
✨ 添加.java-local.properties配置启用开关 #28
✏️ Test、Boot插件添加skippedPropNames机制 #29
🎨 重构BOM插件日志打印 #24
🎨 Settings插件项目导入优化
🎨 其他代码整理

plugins - 🔖 发布1.0.8

Published by henry-hub over 3 years ago

🐛 jaxb运行时依赖没有加载 #26

plugins - 🔖 发布1.0.7

Published by henry-hub over 3 years ago

✏️ 子项目配置扩展补充常见非项目目录
🎨 持续重构插件扩展属性 #23
✏️ Java、Groovy插件不再强制依赖Test、Verification插件
🐛 test插件“-Dtest.maxParallelForks=1”配置不生效 #25
✏️ 调整Java11添加的jaxb运行时依赖
🎨 其他代码整理以及修复若干BUG

plugins - 🔖 发布1.0.6

Published by henry-hub over 3 years ago

🐛 修复ihub-test插件 #17
🎨 添加iHubVerification插件扩展
🐛 调整test插件默认“最多启动进程数”为“2" #21
✏️ 调整JavaVM环境属性支持 #20 #22
♻️ Bom相关插件重构,修复若干BUG

plugins - 🔖 发布1.0.5

Published by henry-hub over 3 years ago

✨ 给ihub-boot加一些功能 #15
✨ 添加ihub-test插件 #17

plugins - 🔖 发布1.0.4

Published by henry-hub over 3 years ago

♻️ 重构BOM插件扩展配置 #11
✏️ java.endorsed.dirs属性问题 #14
🎨 优化BOM日志打印 #16
🐛 修复ihub-groovy插件组件依赖问题 #10

plugins - 🔖 发布1.0.3

Published by henry-hub over 3 years ago

🎨 代码优化修复若干问题

plugins - 🔖 发布1.0.2

Published by henry-hub over 3 years ago

✨ #6 添加BOM插件扩展,支持自定义管理组件版本
✏️ #7 导入项目优化,排除一些常见的非项目目录
✏️ #8 优化私有仓库仓库配置
🎨 集成git-version插件,动态配置项目版本
✏️ Settings插件扩展调整,支持配置插件版本
✨ 添加获取属性通用扩展方法

plugins - 🔖 发布1.0.1

Published by henry-hub over 3 years ago

🍻 拆分bom插件,便于灵活使用插件
🐛 修复代码检查插件生成默认Codenarc配置文件BUG
🎨 #2 重命名settings的include和includes

plugins - 🔖 发布1.0.0

Published by henry-hub over 3 years ago
