
A simple 2.5D game library written using JavaFX

LGPL-3.0 License




Pseudo3D is a simple game library written using JavaFX. This library uses sprite scaling and drawing order to achieve a fake perspective effect for a 3D axis-aligned bounding-box physics scene.


Pseudo3D started off as an insignificant 2D game I was working on as my first project away from my Minecraft projects. Later on, that started to turn into a 2D game library. I was not satisfied with two dimensions, so I decided to add a third axis to the library, sparking the beginning of what would become Pseudo3D. I plan to use this library to make some simple games of my own in the future.


Wiki coming soon!

For now, view the Example class for a basic idea of how to create a simple scene.

There are also JavaDocs available.


If you wish to build Pseudo3D to use it your own project:

  1. Clone or download this repository.
  2. Run ./gradlew shadowJar in the directory of the project.
  3. /build/libs/Pseudo3D.jar should have been generated.

You can add this generated jar as a dependency to your project.


The following are recordings of the Pseudo3D renderer and physics in action. You can also try these out for yourself by running the Example class.


This is what an orthographic, or zero-degree field-of-view, render looks like. This is the style used for 2D sprite-based games. There is no depth whatsoever, making it difficult to decipher the exact positioning of the character with respect to the other character or the ground. In this, the character can only move in 2D space. Sprites are only drawn in 2D.


This is what the Pseudo3D rendering looks like. Sprites scale based on distance from the camera, camera field of view, camera sensor size, and zoom; however, they are still rendered as 2D sprites. You can make out the position of the moving character in relation to the stationary character in what feels like 3D space.