
bring gwt and rails together with the help of restygwt


resty rails generators

these generators add GWT support to an existing rails application. JSON is used for the communication between rails and GWT.

on GWT side restygwt is used for the un/marshalling of the JSON payload and rails needed some tweaks to make things compatible - the 'resty-generators' gem provides these as initializer.

the development environment tries to follow the rails way as close as possible - judge yourself.

there are two approaches and they are a matter of taste. the jruby way or the maven way. but in any case you need java installed for either one. and to keep things simple I just discribe the jruby way. if you are interested in the maven commands they are printed by ruby-maven when executing it.

the glue between rails and GWT is the ruby DSL for maven. (thanx to Sonatype for sponsoring the work on that DSL)

get started

requirement for this is ruby+rubygems or jruby and then install (unless you have it already)

gem install ruby-maven

new rails application

with this you can create a new rails application like this (rails-3.1 is pending but might already work). to setup resty you need to choose a direcotry and a java package name where to locate the GWT code (com.example)

gwt new my_app com.example

go into the created application (or any existing rails app)

cd myapp

with this you have already a GWT application with EntryPoint and could be started but does not do much. the class layout look as such:

  ├── client
  │   ├── ActivityPlaceActivityMapper.java
  │   ├── ActivityPlace.java
  │   ├── managed
  │   │   ├── ActivityFactory.java
  │   │   ├── MyAppModule.java
  │   │   └── MyAppPlaceHistoryMapper.java
  │   └── MyAppEntryPoint.java
  └── MyApp.gwt.xml

which is a GIN based setup. the managed classes will be modified by the scaffold generators. the other files are once generated and can be changed as needed. the MyAppModule.java can be changed with care (only the super.configure(); and __new GinFactoryModuleBuilder()__should stay as it is). the EntryPoint of the application is MyAppEntryPoint.java.

binstubs which use bundler and setup the classpath (if needed)

rmvn bundle install

will get all the gems and jars in place and setup binstubs as bundler would do without ruby-maven. when you set your environment PATH to

export PATH=target/bin:$PATH

then you have all the rails, rake, rspec commands installed by your gems with gems + jars in place.

scaffold a resource

now you can scaffold a model

rails generate scaffold user name:string

this creates a rails like structure within the GWT client package:

├── activities
│   └── UserActivity.java
├── editors
│   ├── UserEditor.java
│   └── UserEditor.ui.xml
├── events
│   ├── UserEventHandler.java
│   └── UserEvent.java
├── models
│   └── User.java
├── places
│   ├── UserPlace.java
│   └── UserPlaceTokenizer.java
├── restservices
│   └── UsersRestService.java
└── views
    ├── UserViewImpl.java
    ├── UserView.java
    └── UserView.ui.xml

before running the application you need to migrate the database so the new table is in place

rake db:migrate

start the gwt development shell

and start the GWT development shell

gwt run

the GWT application uses following url pattern:

  • http://localhost:8888/MyApp.html?gwt.codesvr= the collection (not implemented yet)
  • http://localhost:8888/MyApp.html?gwt.codesvr= to create a new user
  • http://localhost:8888/MyApp.html?gwt.codesvr=<id> to view user with id
  • http://localhost:8888/MyApp.html?gwt.codesvr=<id>/edit to edit user with id

webrick server

to run the application with default webrick you need first to compile the GWT part

gwt compile

the compiler will output the GWT app in public/MyApp and then start the webrick.

rails server

the start url is http://localhost:3000/MyApp.html.

such a setup also works with MRI and can be deploy on heroku ! no need for jruby for production unless you start using java on the ruby side of things, i.e. within the rails application.

note from rails-3.0.10 onward rails new generates a jruby only Gemfile. with that you need to adjust your Gemfile so it will work for both MRI and JRuby.

more ?

yes, there is more in the wiki

what's next

  • error handling - i.e. validation errors (server side)
  • selenium/cabybara tests
  • hide buttons if the logged in user does not have the permissions to use it

some little things would be

  • Restservices come as singleton when used the @Singleton annotation

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request.

the maven ruby DSL for the Mavenfile

the Mavenfile allows you to (re)-configure parts of the maven pom. the pom will be "generated on the fly" when you run rmvn. but with proper maven you do it yourself - see above.

more about that DSL and the connection with gemspec files and Gemfile can be found in polyglot-maven (jruby) project.


  • ruby-maven might not support all possible configurations within the Gemfile and the maven DSL is not complete yet (from the maven point of view).
  • and possible other things, but enjoy anyways ;-)
  • binstub of rspec works with version 2.7.0.rc2 or later due the way it handled bundler before
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