
A clone of the famous bedwars minigame on only for Bukkit 1.8.8 servers

APACHE-2.0 License


RewiBW Clone


This is a clone of the BedWars plugin of the Minecraft server. This plugin is not affiliated nor related to in any way. This plugin is not intended to be used for commercial.

Run locally

docker compose run --rm --service-ports rewi-bw-server

How to build from source

First of all, you need to make sure that you have the spigot server in your local maven repository. You can archive this by using SpigotMC's BuildTools. Just run it with java -jar BuildTools.jar --rev 1.8.8. Note that you need to have Java 8 and Maven installed.

This projects uses gradle(-wrapper) as build tool. Therefore, you can use the following commands to build the project: On shell:

./gradlew clean build

On Windows:

.\gradlew.bat clean build

The plugin can be found inside the bedwars/build/libs directory. The setup tool will be located in the map-setup-tool/build/libs directory.

Server up and running

  1. Download the latest release
  2. Create an empty directory for the server
  3. Download Spigot 1.8.8 or any fork of it (perferably PaperSpigot) and place the jar file in the server directory
  4. Put the bedwars-*-all.jar into the plugins directory inside your server directory (you might need to create it)
  5. Add the NoteblocksAPI plugin to the plugins directory
  6. Create a file called eula.txt in the server directory and add eula=true to it to accept the EULA of Mojang
  7. Start the server with `java -jar <your_server_jar>.jar

Bonus: Anti-Reducing

  1. Download the anti-reduce-agent-*-all.jar from the latest release
    and put it into the server directory
  2. Start the server with java -javaagent:<your_agent_jar>.jar -jar <your_server_jar>.jar

If you are feeling adventurous, you can take a look at the server-bin directory. It contains an example start script for the server and some preconfigured server files for performance improvements.

Alternatively, you can use Docker to run the server. If you are familiar with Docker, you can use the docker-compose.yml file in the root directory to run the server. The Image is provided on DockerHub. You might also take a look at the Dockerfile of the BedWars server and the Dockerfile of the server base.



  players: 2 # amount of players per team
  colors: # which teams are available
    - red
    - green
    - purple
    - yellow
  votable-slots: [1, 4, 7] # which slots in the vote inventory are filled with a map
  path: /data/maps/ # path to the map pool collection (maps will be copied to the server)
  lobby: /data/lobby/ # path to the lobby map


  generator: empty # Map generator (currently only empty is supported)
  environment: normal # Map environment (normal, nether, the_end)
  init-time: 0 # Time of day when the map is loaded
  difficulty: normal # Map difficulty (peaceful, easy, normal, hard)
spawn: # Spawn location
  x: 16.5
  y: 64.0
  z: 2.5
  yaw: 180.0
cps-tester: # Optional: Where the cps tester is located
  x: 14.5
  y: 64.0
  z: 2.5
jump-and-run: # Optional: Where the jump and run is located
    x: 12.5
    y: 64.0
    z: 2.5
    x: 10.5
    y: 64.0
    z: 2.5
  <team color>:
    joiner: # The ArmorStand to join the team
      x: 9.5
      y: 64.0
      z: -5.5
    displays: # An array of positions for the display npc's 
      - x: 8.5
        y: 65.0
        z: -8.5
        pitch: 0.0
        yaw: 0.0

maps/<map name>/config.yaml

This might not be the most convenient way to configure a map, but it gives you the most control about the locations. If you want to have a more user-friendly way to configure the map, you can use the Map Setup Tool to generate the configuration file.

world: # Same as lobby config
  x: -72.5
  y: 120.0
  z: -6.5
  pitch: 90.0
  icon: log_2:1 # icon in format <id>[:<data>]
  display-name: "Medieval Mansion" # display name
  border: # The border of the map
    x1: 21
    x2: -167
    z1: -101
    z2: 87
shops: # array of shop locations
  - x: -76.5
    y: 75.0
    z: -80.5
    yaw: -45.0
  bronze: # array of bronze spawning locations
    - x: -80.5
      y: 75.0
      z: 67.5
  silver: # array of gold iron locations
    - x: -71.5
      y: 73.0
      z: 20.5
  gold: # array of gold spawning locations
    - x: -66.5
      y: 87.0
      z: 70.5
  <team color>:
    bed: # bed position and direction
      x: -150 # These need to be integers
      y: 82
      z: 0
      direction: north
    spawn: # The team spawn location
      x: -144.5
      y: 75.0
      z: -6.5
      yaw: -90.0