
RinSim is a logistics simulator written in Java. RinSim supports (de)centralized algorithms for dynamic pickup-and-delivery problems (PDP). The simulator is developed at the imec-DistriNet group at the dept. of Computer Science, KU Leuven, Belgium.

APACHE-2.0 License


RinSim 4.4.6

Detailed documentation is available at the documentation website.

RinSim is an extensible logistics simulator with support for (de)centralized algorithms for pickup and delivery problems and AGV routing. The simulator focuses on simplicity and consistency making it ideal for performing scientific simulations. Further, software quality is a priority resulting in an ever improving test suite and documentation.


RinSim uses Maven for managing its dependencies. RinSim can be added to your Maven project by including the following in your pom file, where x and y represents the preferred version number.


Detailed instructions for installation can be found here.