Java implementation of RSA encryption algorithm


RSA example

To run this program you will need to provide four arguments: p, q, e and message where:

  • p: a prime
  • q: another prime
  • e: a relative prime of (p-1) * (q-1) also know as phi(n)
  • m: a String message to be encriped, decriped, signed and verified through a digital signed certificate

if none of the inputs are provided the following values will be used as default:

  • p = "5700734181645378434561188374130529072194886062117"
  • q = "35894562752016259689151502540913447503526083241413"
  • e = "33445843524692047286771520482406772494816708076993"
  • m = "This is a test"

and the output will be:

  • p = 5700734181645378434561188374130529072194886062117

  • q = 35894562752016259689151502540913447503526083241413

  • e = 33445843524692047286771520482406772494816708076993

  • private = 183193943982723541083656360380592796925228591717543963697284925059702232695599866544519541421578897 (the generated private key)

  • modulus = 204625360815634094995873000754145818613880478081621272344332984978247528769851193693851726624851321 (pxq is used as modulus)

  • message(plain text) = This is a test

  • message(decimal) = 1711994770713785234952742657946484

  • encripted(decimal) = 139240771296277241521347552937648036139837396891313486473946673496820947584304910673718800610200595

  • decrypted(plain text) = This is a test

  • decrypted(decimal) = 1711994770713785234952742657946484

  • signed(decimal) = 10733204338670716957397445534002288521750891602329434749570348638974115725883468675924316514686531

  • verified(plain text) = This is a test

  • verified(decimal) = 1711994770713785234952742657946484

command to run: java -jar RSA.jar "101" "113" "3533" "Hello RSA"

to read from a file the last argument must be prefixed by a '-f' plus the path to the file containing the message to be encrypted, decrypted, signed and verified, here's an example:

java -jar RSA.jar "101" "113" "3533" "-f\home\rmpestano\rsa.txt"

RSA.jar can be found in download section

Note that this implementation does not use any third party libs neither the '' package, its intend to be simple for academical learning and of course can have bugs so DO NOT USE in any professional projects.