A library of common dialogs and UI elements needed by applications embedding text components such as RSyntaxTextArea.



This is a library for adding the following dialogs to an application using RSyntaxTextArea as an editor:

  • Find Dialog
  • Replace Dialog
  • Find and Replace toolbars (à la Sublime Text)
  • Go to Line Dialog
  • Text File Properties Dialog (requires use of TextEditorPane)

Searching support is fully featured - regex searches, match case, whole word, searching forward and backward, mark all occurrences. Note that the actual searching functionality is handled in the RSyntaxTextArea project itself (see its SearchEngine class); this library just wraps that functionality in a UI.

Available in the Maven Central repository (com.fifesoft:rstaui:XXX). SNAPSHOT builds of the in-development, unreleased version are hosted on Sonatype.

RSTAUI is available under a modified BSD license. For more information, visit


RSTAUI is built using Gradle. To compile the source, run all tests, and build the distribution jar, simply change into the project directory and run:

gradlew build --warning-mode all

Example Usage

A very simple example can be found in the RSTAUIDemoApp class included in this project.

Sister Projects

  • RSyntaxTextArea provides syntax highlighting, code folding, and many other features out-of-the-box.
  • AutoComplete - Adds code completion to RSyntaxTextArea (or any other JTextComponent).
  • RSTALanguageSupport - Code completion for RSTA for the following languages: Java, JavaScript, HTML, PHP, JSP, Perl, C, Unix Shell.
    Built on both RSTA and AutoComplete.
  • SpellChecker - Adds squiggle-underline spell checking to RSyntaxTextArea.

Getting Help

  • Add an issue on GitHub
  • Check the project's home page