
ScalaFX simplifies creation of JavaFX-based user interfaces in Scala

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Building ScalaFX with Scala SBT

  1. Introduction

For a more general introduction, please refer to `README.txt' for more information. The documentation explains how to download the required software for ScalaFX development.

There are two branches of ScalaFX: v.2.2.* supporting JavaFX 2.x (Java 7) and ScalaFX v.8.0 supporting JavaFX 8 (Java 8).

This information was prepared using Scala SBT version 0.13.11, which you can download from:

  1. Checkout Source Code

If you do not have the source code, then use Mercurial to checkout the code base. Open a command line terminal with a shell, and type:

% git clone

( Where % character represents the command line shell prompt for your operating system.)

Change to the scalafx directory:

% cd scalafx

It is always a good practice to start by cleaning the build directories:

% sbt clean

To run tests:

% sbt test

To build jars:

% sbt package

To publish to a local repository:

% sbt publish-local

This should build the entire code base; package up the JAR files, source and binary files; and publish them in local Ivy repository (~/.ivy).

  1. Using SBT Interactively

Start Scala SBT at the command line:

% sbt

List the individual tree of projects and their version number:

sbt> show version
[info] scalafx/*:version
[info] 	8.0.192-R14
[info] scalafx-demos/*:version
[info] 	8.0.192-R14
[info] scalafx-project/*:version
[info] 	8.0.192-R14
(Where `sbt>' represents the Scala SBT interactive command line prompt)

Clean the build:

sbt> clean

Compile the build:

sbt> compile

Run the unit tests:

sbt> test

Navigate around the Scala SBT multiple modules:

# show information about the root module project    
sbt> projects
sbt> project

# navigate to the `scalafx' module
sbt> project scalafx
sbt> projects

# navigate to the `scalafx-demos' module
sbt> project scalafx-demos
sbt> projects

# navigate to back to the root module again
sbt> project /
sbt> projects

Miscellaneous SBT commands:

sbt> about
sbt> show resolvers
sbt> show unmanged-jars

For more information, on Scala SBT and Multi-Module builds, point your favourite web browser to:

  1. Using IDEs

Both IntelliJ IDEA with Scala plugin and NetBeans with its Scala plugin can import project from the build.sbt file.

If you want to use Eclipse you can generate project files by setting up the sbteclipse plugin globally as described at and then running:

% sbt eclipse

or sbt> eclipse

The Eclipse Plugin generates the files: scalafx/.project, scalafx/.classpath and the files scalafx-demos/.project, scalafx-demos/.classpath

  1. Running the Demonstration

The module scalafx-demos' contains many demonstrations of the ScalaFX Framework. There is one official standard demonstration, which the committers have used to test the build. It is called scalafx.ColorfulCircles'.

Run Scala SBT, interactively. First switch to the scalafx-demos' project, then execute the run' task:

sbt> project scalafx-demos
sbt> run

This will list available demos. To start a demo type in the demo number at the "Enter number:" prompt. To exit the application, simply close the program using your normal window manager decorations.

What if you want to run the demonstration from the command line? You can do it. Let's assume you are in the root directory of the scalafx project. Execute the following command line:

% sbt scalafx-demos/run

This the "Enter number:" prompt, as described above.

  1. Publishing SBT Artifacts Locally

SBT can publish artifacts to local repository using the task `publish-local'. Here is the command line:

% sbt publish-local

This will push the ScalaFX artifacts to your local Ivy Repository under `${HOME}/.ivy', which is completely fine if your dependent project only ever relies on Scala SBT.

If you want to generate artifacts for Maven then you need to manually install at the moment. Here are the necessary commands:

% sbt make-pom
% mvn install:install-file -DartifactId=scalafx_2.10 \
-DgroupId=org.scalafx \
-Dpackaging=jar \
-DpomFile=scalafx_2.10-8.0.192-R14.pom \
-Dfile=scalafx_2.10-8.0.192-R14.jar \
-Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT \

You will to repeat this for all the modules. Please note the embedded Scala compiler version in the artifact name e.g. `scalafx_2.10'

  1. SBT Configuration on Mac

The following SBT launcher bash shell script worked under Mac OS X 10.8. Had to increase the memory of the JVM from -Xss1M to -Xss2M and set the permanent generation size to 512M. Force set the JDK home in this following example of the `sbt' shell script.

# SBT launch file
# based on SBT 0.13.11
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_76.jdk/Contents/Home
export PATH=${JAVA_HOME}/bin:${JAVA_HOME}/jre/bin:${PATH}
java -Xms512M -Xmx1536M -Xss2M -XX:MaxPermSize=512M -jar `dirname $0`/sbt-launch.jar "$@"
# End.

Of course, your mileage will indeed vary on your own workstation.

  1. SBT Build Files

Here is a description of the Scala SBT files for the entire build process.

./build.sbt The build file for ScalaFX lives. ./project/ Specifies the Scala SBT version for the build. ./project/plugin.sbt Defines additional plug-ins necessary for the build

  1. Cross Versions

Cross Scala Versions is a feature of the Scala SBT to build against different versions of the Scala Libraries. This is enabled in the project/build.scala' file with settings of crossScalaVersions', which is set to something like this:

crossScalaVersions := Seq( "2.10.6",  "2.11.5"),

You can switch between different Scala build version in interactive mode of Scala SBT, using the `++' command.

Here is how to do this, first look at the current build settings for SBT, invoke the command:

sbt> settings
# Observe the setting for `scala-version'

Now show the current value for `scala-version', with the command:

sbt> show scala-version
[info] scalafx/*:scala-version
[info] 	2.10.6
[info] scalafx-demos/*:scala-version
[info] 	2.10.6
[info] scalafx-project/*:scala-version
[info] 	2.10.6

Now switch to Scala 2.11.5 with the following command:

 sbt> ++ 2.11.5

And then build the software from a clean state for Scala 2.10.3 with the following commands:

 sbt> clean
 sbt> package
 sbt> scalafx-demos/run

You switch back to the original 2.10.6 build as well with the commands:

 sbt> ++ 2.10.6
 sbt> scalafx-demos/run

Now, you should have both working 2.9.3 and 2.10.3 versions of ScalaFX. Exit Scala SBT check the `target' folder:

 % ls scalafx/target
 resolution-cache/	   scala-2.10/	   scala-2.11/	  streams/
 % ls scalafx/target/scala-2.10/
 cache/	           scalafx_2.10-8.0.192-R14.jar
 % ls scalafx/target/scala-2.11/
 cache/            scalafx_2.11-8.0.192-R14.jar

And of course this feature of cross Scala versions scales to more compiler libraries, when the Lausanne delivers them, and provided the ScalaFX code all compiles, builds and runs against them!

For more information, about cross scala version, see the official documentation on Scala SBT:

Have Fun!