
Fast single-class semantic version implementation for java

MIT License



This is a single-class semantic version 2.0.0 implementation for java 6+. It requires no further dependencies and is thereby easy to use within your own projects. Key features:

  • Lightweight: consists of only a single file, no dependencies
  • Immutable: strict immutability ensures easy handling and thread safety
  • Serializable: Objects can be serialized using Java's ObjectOutputStream.
  • Fast: Many performance improvements make this the fastest semver implementation in java
    around (according to parsing and sorting performance)
  • Compatible: Supports Java 6 but also provides many methods that are suitable to be used
    as method references in Java 8. Latest release also features a Java 9 module-info!
  • Stable: Ready for production since release 1.0.0

Maven Dependency

semantic-version is available through the Maven Central Repository. Just add the following dependency to your pom:


Java 9

Releases >=2.0.0 are bundled as a JPMS module. If you are using it in your Java 9 project, add the following line to your

module com.your.module {
    // ...
    requires de.skuzzle.semantic;


Creation and parsing

// Version with pre-release and build meta data field
Version v1 = Version.parseVersion("1.0.2-rc1.2+build-20142402");
Version v2 = Version.create(1, 0 , 2, "rc1.2", "build-20142402");

// Simple version
Version v3 = Version.parseVersion("1.0.2");
Version v4 = Version.create(1, 0, 2);

// Version with no pre-release field but with build meta data field
Version v5 = Version.parseVersion("1.0.2+build-20142402");
Version v6 = Version.create(1, 0, 2, "", "build-20142402");


Versions can be compared as they implement Comparable:

if (v1.compareTo(v2) < 0) { ... }
if (v1.isGreaterThan(v2)) { ... }
if (v1.isLowerThan(v2)) { ... }

In rare cases it might be useful to compare versions with including the build meta data field. If you need to do so, you can use


There also exist static methods and comparators for comparing two versions.


You can derive new versions from existing ones by modifying a single field:

Version v1 = Version.create(1, 0, 0)


Versions can also be incremented using any of the next... methods:

// Gives 2.0.0
Version.create(1, 2, 3).nextMajor();

// Gives 1.3.0
Version.create(1, 2, 3).nextMinor();

// Gives 1.2.4
Version.create(1, 2, 3).nextPatch();

All next... methods will drop the pre-release and build meta data fields but provide an overload to set a new pre-release:

// Gives 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Version.create(1, 2, 3).nextMajor("SNAPSHOT");

The identifier parts can be incremented as well:

// Gives 1.2.3-1
Version.create(1, 2, 3).nextPreRelease();

// Gives 1.2.3+1
Version.create(1, 2, 3).nextBuildMetaData();

Incrementing the identifier behaves as follows:

  • In case the identifier is currently empty, it becomes 1 in the result.
  • If the identifier's last part is numeric, that last part will be incremented in the result.
  • If the last part is not numeric, the identifier is interpreted as identifier.0 which becomes identifier.1 after increment.
Version After increment
1.2.3 1.2.3-1 1.2.3-1
1.2.3-foo 1.2.3-foo.1
1.2.3-foo.1 1.2.3-foo.2

The special method toStable which has been introduced in version 2.1.0 will give give the next stable version. That is, it simply drops the pre-release and build meta data identifiers and leaves all other parts unmodified.


Versions can be written to/read from streams by Java's ObjectOutputStream and ObjectInputStream classes out of the box:

new ObjectOutputStream(yourOutStream).writeObject(Version.parseVersion("1.2.3"));
Version version = (Version) new ObjectInputStream(yourInStream).readObject();

Serializing Versions from and to json is also possible but requires third party libraries like jackson or gson. Support for those is not built in (in order to not ship extra dependencies) but examples can be found within the unit tests here (jackson) and here (gson). Both examples will serialize the Version as its String representation as opposed to destructing it into its single fields.

Extracted from project README
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