
An Android app to control/monitor my room using an Arduino with a web API as backend



An Android app to control/monitor my room using an Arduino with a web API as backend.


  • View room's temperature (in °C)
  • View room's illuminance (in lux)
  • View if door is open or closed
  • View room's outlet states (on/off)
  • Turn on/off outlet
  • Autoswitch mode: turns on an outlet when the door opens, turns it off when the door closes

Arduino scheme

scheme Note: the ethernet and 433MHz transmitter modules are the ones provided by Fritzing, the real ones I used differ a bit (but you get the idea).

Android app

my room The Android app has a card for each value of the room. Tap the card to change its value (e.g. tap on powerswitch 0 to turn it on/off). The app also displays a message to tell if the call was succesful or has failed.

API calls


Returns a JSON with all the up-to-date info about the room.



Parameter Type Description
temperature double The temperature of the room in °C.
light int The illuminance of the room in lux.
doorClosed boolean Tells you if the door is open or closed.
autoswitch boolean True if the Autoswitch mode is on, false if not.
powerswitchStates boolean[] Array of all the states of the outlets (true = on, false = off).

GET /power

Turn a specific outlet in the room on or off.

Parameter Type Description
id int The index of the specific outlet.
a String The action to complete [on/off].
Parameter Type Description
m String Message saying the action has been completed.

GET /mode

Lets you turn the Autoswitch mode on or off.

Parameter Type Description
a String The new state for the Arduino's Autoswitch mode [on/off].
Parameter Type Description
m String Message saying the action has been completed.


This project was started for my class Internet of Things at school. If you want to read about the progress you can check out the blog behind it (Dutch).

If you wish to contact me for anything you can get in touch at: