
Source Engine Query Cacher

GPL-3.0 License


Source Engine Query Cacher


Java 11 and Linux Kernel 3.9+.

How to run:

  1. Download and Install Java 11.
  2. Download Source Engine Query Cacher Binary.
  3. Execute the following command: java -jar SourceEngineQueryCacher-1.6.6.jar
  4. Source Engine Query Cacher will start and display 'Server Started on Socket: IP:PORT'.
  5. Configure IPTables for routing Query Packets and everything is done.

Redirect Query Packets to Query Cacher in Linux using IPTables

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 27015 --match string --algo kmp --hex-string '|FFFFFFFF54|' -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9110
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 27015 --match string --algo kmp --hex-string '|FFFFFFFF55|' -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9110
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 27015 --match string --algo kmp --hex-string '|FFFFFFFF41|' -j REDIRECT --to-ports 9110


Configuration File

Execute the following command to load configuration file: `java -jar SourceEngineQueryCacher-1.6.6.jar -c Config.conf

Threads: Number of Threads
StatsPPS: Enable Packets per Second Stats
StatsbPS: Enable Bits per Second Stats
GameUpdateInterval: Game Server Update rate in Milliseconds
GameUpdateSocketTimeout: Game Server Update Socket Timeout in Milliseconds
ChallengeCodeTTL: Maximum Validity of Challenge Code in Milliseconds
LocalServerIPAddress: IP Address on which Cacher Server will bind and listen
LocalServerPort: Port on which Cacher Server will bind and listen
GameServerIPAddress: Game Server IP Address
GameServerPort: Game Server Port
ReceiveBufferSize: Server Receive Buffer Size
SendBufferSize: Server Send Buffer Size

Process Arguments

Example: Execute the following command to pass Process Arguments: java -jar SourceEngineQueryCacher-1.6.6.jar -bind -port 27015

-b,--bpsStats                          Enable Bits per Second Stats
-bind <arg>                            Local Server IP Address on which Cacher Server will bind and listen
-c,--config <arg>                      Configuration File Path
-challengeCodeTTL <arg>                Maximum Validity of Challenge Code in Milliseconds
-gameip <arg>                          Game Server IP Address
-gameport <arg>                        Game Server Port
-gameUpdateRate <arg>                  Game Server Update rate in  Milliseconds
-gameUpdateTimeout <arg>               Game Server Update Socket Timeout in Milliseconds
-h,--help                              Display Usages
-p,--ppsStats                          Enable Packets per Second Stats
-port <arg>                            Local Server Port on which Cacher Server will bind and listen
-r,--receiveBuf <arg>                  Server Receive Buffer Size
-s,--sendBuf <arg>                     Server Send Buffer Size
-w,--threads <arg>                     Number of Threads


FATALITY~The ImmortaLs 24x7 PuB [bl4rr0w]