
Simple and secure personal backup

MIT License


Simple and secure personal backup

Spb is a simple and secure personal backup tool. It backups folder into S3 while encrypting the files on the client side.


The fundamental idea is simple: spb scans a locale folder and uploads files into a S3 bucket if needed. By leveraging S3 versioning it provides a full history of all files every backed up.

A file is client side encrypted (with AES-GCM) before being backed up and only uploaded if the SHA256 value has been changed since the last backup.

Spb aims to be as simple as possible, while practically usable and secure.

It is written in Java and compiled to a binary via GraalVM and available as CLI for Mac, Windows and Linux.

For the critical encryption logic it relies on as few dependencies as possible:

  1. JDK built in encryption algorithm
  2. AWS encryption sdk (which itself relies only on Bouncy Castle)
  3. Bouncy Castle

Additionally, it relies on

  1. AWS SDK for Java 2.0 for accessing S3
  2. Logback and SLF4J to write log files
  3. picocli for providing a nice command line interface

How to use it

Download a spb release for Mac, Linux or Windows.

Additionally to the terminal output spb writes a log files with all the details atl ~/spb.log.

Spb requires a config file ~/spb.config. It allows you to config the S3 bucket to write the backup, the secret key to use for the encryption and the list of folders to back up.

Each folder to back up is considered "one backup".

Example config file:


bucket.name is the S3 bucket name. secret.key is the private 256 bit secret key, Base64 encoded which is used to encrypt all data send to S3. You can generate a new key with spb generate-key

backup.N.name and backup.N.folder configures the folders to back up. Each folder has a name assigned, which identifies the backup and which is also used as S3 folder name.

Spb requires access to the S3 bucket named in the config with the following actions:


The credentials for the S3 access can be loaded via:

  • Environment Variables - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  • Web Identity Token credentials from system properties or environment variables
  • Credential profiles file at the default location (~/.aws/credentials) shared by all AWS SDKs and the AWS CLI

spb offers the following commands:

backup   initiate backup of a folder
restore  restore previously backed up files
list     list all backed up files
verify   verify backups
generate-key  generate a new random key

Example to initiate a backup:

spb backup

The verify commands restores all the backed up and verifies their integrity by comparing the downloaded SHA256 checksums with the expected checksums.

spb verify

To restore a specific file from the backup documents:

spb restore --backup-name=documents --target-folder=documents-restored --file=tax/tax-2020.pdf

To restore all files from the backup documents:

spb restore --backup-name=documents --target-folder=documents-restored 

To find a specific file in the backups:

spb list --file-pattern="folder/important.txt"

To find a specific file in the backups including history:

spb list --file-pattern=".*/important.*" --historical

This will show all versions of all matching files including the version id. The version id can then be used to restore this specific version:

spb restore --backup-name=documents --file-name="folder/important.txt" --target-folder="out" --version-id="sesN1qhjd6h13bsG.IIUfXeAFYE5AX7h"

The full list of options are available via spb --help and spb <command> --help.


Every file is saved as two different objects in S3: one metadata object and one content object. These files are always written together, everytime a file is backed up.

The full keys in the S3 bucket are /backup-name/<file-path-hash>/metadata nad /backup-name/<file-path-hash>/content The backup-name is the name of backup configured in the spb config file.

The <file-path-hash> is a AESCMAC hash generated with the spb secret key and the relative file path of the backed up file.

The content object contains the content of the backed up file, encrypted as AWS Encryption SDK message. The message format is documented here.

The algorithm used is AES_256_GCM_HKDF_SHA512_COMMIT_KEY which basically means it is encrypted with AES-GMC. The AES key used is the spb secret key.

The metadata file contains encrypted metadata about the backed up files:

  • the file path
  • the file SHA256 checksum
  • the size of the file in bytes
  • the S3 versionId of the corresponding content object

The information are used for example to determine if a file needs to be backed up again or not (by comparing the SHA256 value).