
A realtime data streaming application to access, aggregate and format events

APACHE-2.0 License



A collection of streaming application

Stream processing topology

Setup: Download and Start Flink

Download a binary from the downloads page. You can pick any Hadoop/Scala combination you like. If you plan to just use the local file system, any Hadoop version will work fine. Go to the download directory.

Unpack the downloaded archive.

$ cd ~/Downloads        # Go to download directory
$ tar xzf flink-*.tgz   # Unpack the downloaded archive
$ cd flink-1.5.0

Start a Local Flink Cluster

$ ./bin/  # Start Flink

Check the Dispatchers web frontend at http://localhost:8081 and make sure everything is up and running. The web frontend should report a single available TaskManager instance.

Dispatcher: Overview

You can also verify that the system is running by checking the log files in the logs directory:

$ tail log/flink-*-standalonesession-*.log

Download kafka

Download a binary from the downloads page ( You can pick Apache Kafka version with scala 2.11.

Start zookeeper server

$./bin/ ./config/

Start broker

./bin/ ./config/ 

Create topic mytopic

$ ./bin/ --create --topic mytopic --zookeeper localhost:2181 --partitions 1 --replication-factor 1

Describe topic "mytopic"

$ ./bin/ --describe --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic mytopic

Produce something into the topic (write something and hit enter)

$ ./bin/ --topic mytopic --broker-list localhost:9092

Consume from the topic using the console producer

$ ./bin/ --topic mytopic --zookeeper localhost:2181

Clone Apache Ignite

$ git clone

Build Apache Ignite

$ mvn clean package install -DskipTests

Build the Flink program :

$ mvn clean package

Submit the Flink program :

$ ./bin/flink run streamers-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

Produce something into the topic (write something and hit enter)

$ ./bin/ --topic mytopic --broker-list localhost:9092

The .out file will print the counts at the end of each time window as long as words are floating in, e.g.:

$ tail -f log/flink-*-taskexecutor-*.out
lorem : 1
bye : 1
ipsum : 4

Ignite rest service

To check the cache key values you can use the Ignite rest service

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/ignite\?cmd\=getall\&k1\=jam\&cacheName\=testCache

Scan cache

To check all the keys from an Ignite cache the following rest service can be used

$ curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/ignite?cmd=qryscanexe&pageSize=10&cacheName=testCache

Ignite Web Console

Ignite Web Console Build Instructions

  1. Install MongoDB (version >=3.2.0 <=3.4.15) using instructions from
  2. Install Node.js (version >=8.0.0) using installer from for your OS.
  3. Change directory to 'modules/web-console/backend' and
    run "npm install --no-optional" for download backend dependencies.
  4. Change directory to 'modules/web-console/frontend' and
    run "npm install --no-optional" for download frontend dependencies.
  5. Build ignite-web-agent module follow instructions from 'modules/web-console/web-agent/README.txt'.
  6. Copy from 'modules/web-console/web-agent/target'
    to 'modules/web-console/backend/agent_dists' folder.
  7. Unzip in 'modules/web-console/backend/agent_dists'
  8. run './' inside ignite-web-agent- folder

Steps 1 - 4 should be executed once.

Ignite Web Console Run In Development Mode

  1. Configure MongoDB to run as service or in terminal change dir to $MONGO_INSTALL_DIR/server/3.2/bin and start MongoDB by executing "mongod".

  2. In new terminal change directory to 'modules/web-console/backend'. If needed run "npm install --no-optional" (if dependencies changed) and run "npm start" to start backend.

  3. In new terminal change directory to 'modules/web-console/frontend'. If needed run "npm install --no-optional" (if dependencies changed) and start webpack in development mode "npm run dev".

  4. In browser open: http://localhost:9000

Web console can be used to scan cache and view all the cache contents.

To stop Flink when youre done type:

$ ./bin/