
A Superstore management system made with JavaFX.



A Superstore management system made with JavaFX. Superstore consists of stores and warehouses located in different cities. There are four types of Users involved - SuperUser, StoreAdmin, WarehouseAdmin and EndUser. The functionality of the project is explained below with the gif.


Java 8 or above javafx SceneBuilder (optional)


Login Page

The Application starts with a Login Page with the user types on the left and the login bars on the right.

  • Select the type of User from the left. Login fields can't be filled without selecting the user type. On pressing Login, an alert to select the user pops up.
  • Both fields are required and an alert is there if a field is empty. Invalid data in the fields is also not accepted.


There is one SuperUser for the entire project with userID and password - "SUser" (same :P).

  • SuperUser page shows the list of all stores and warehouses and a button to open a warehouse/store on selecting it.
  • Super User has the ability to create a store/warehouse.
    Every store is linked with one warehouse. Whenever quantity of any item in the store becomes 0, EOQ number of items are orders from the attached warehouse.
  • UpdateLink button updates the link of a store with a warehouse.

Warehouse Admin

  • Warehouse Page depicts the list of category of items present in the warehouse.
    Every category is divided into subCategories and every subCategory is divided in products
  • Warehouse Admin can create, update and delete a category, subCategory and Product.
  • Warehouse Admin can also view the data of other warehouses. Other warehouses button is used for this.

Store Admin

Store Admin has similar functionality as that of a Warehouse Admin. Unlike any Warehouse Admin, a store admin can not view data of other stores

End User

EndUser login as a Guest User (no userID and password required at the login page).

  • First Page depicts a list of stores. EndUser can enter in any store for shopping.
  • A store shows the list of categories. Opening any category shows the list of subCategories and then products.
  • EndUser can select a product and add the units of the product in the cart.
  • Cart shows the list of items along with their quantity and price. Total price is shown in the right bar.
  • On checkout, the purchased units of items are removed from the store. If number of items in a store reaches 0, EOQ items
    ordered as explained above.
    If the item is also not available in the linked warehouse, the warehouse tries to search that item in other warehouses and returns a success response if the item is found. The quantity used is then reduced from the appropriate warehouse

The project uses Serialization and Deserialization. This means closing one instance of the project stores the work done in that instance in a text file db and starting the project again brings the last work done from the same file into the project. To know more, Google it :p.