
Code generator to produce java client and server mappings from Swagger / OpenAPI REST API definition.

MIT License




This project provides a set of tools to generate java code from API definition.


  • Swagger 2.0 or OpenAPI 3.0 API definition in json/yaml format
  • Extensions
    • x-ignore to exclude operations from the code generation process
    • x-ignore-server to exclude operations from the server code generation process
    • x-ignore-server-client to exclude operations from the client code generation process
    • x-name to specify OpenAPI 3 requestBody parameter name
    • x-base-path to specify OpenAPI 3 API base path
    • x-response-entity to make Client/Server return Spring ResponseEntity object
    • x-model-package to specify package name for the model classes


  • Model classes. Supported dialects:
    • Jackson2
  • Java client SDK, can be used for unit testing or to create java client applications. Supported dialects:
    • Spring RestTemplate
    • Spring WebClient
    • Apache HttpClient
  • Server API interfaces with HTTP mapping annotations. Supported dialects:
    • Spring WebMVC
    • Spring Webflux
    • JAX-RS

Run from command line

To get list of arguments:

java -jar swagger-tools-cli.jar

To generate models and client code:

java -jar swagger-tools-cli.jar \
--source.location=swagger.yaml \
--target.model.location=./generated \
--target.model.model-package=com.example.model \
--target.client.location=./generated \
--target.client.model-package=com.example.model \
--target.client.client-package=com.example.client \

Run from maven



Plugin configuration parameters:

  • skip: Skip code generation
  • help: Print the list of options
  • options: Key/Value map of arguments for the code generator. Same as for the commandline version.

Check also a complete sample application: demo-webmvc

Run from gradle

There is no specific gradle plugin yet, but you can run code generator from gradle using command line version:

configurations {
dependencies {
   swagger 'com.github.agliznetsov.swagger-tools:swagger-tools-cli:0.8.3'
task "swagger-generate"(type: JavaExec) {
   classpath = configurations.swagger
   main = 'org.swaggertools.cli.Generator'
   args = [
         "--source.location", "src/main/resources/swagger.yaml",
         "--target.model.location", "src/main/java",
         "--target.model.model-package", "com.example.model",


Additional targets can be added via java ServiceLoader:

  • Implement Target interface
  • List it in the META-INF/services
  • Add your jar file to the classpath of the CLI or maven plugin