
A Java EE web application of an Online Shop developed with Hibernate + Spring + Bootstrap + jQuery



Environment variables

This is an excerpt of a "~/.bash_profile" file for Unix-like systems. Adapt to your environment.


export JAVA_HOME=/opt/jdk1.7.0_05

For Mac OS X, use:

export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.7.0.jdk/Contents/Home

For convenience.



MAVEN_HOME=/opt/apache-maven-3.0.4 PATH=$MAVEN_HOME/bin:$PATH export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m"


MYSQL_HOME=/opt/mysql-5.5.25a-linux2.6-i686 PATH=$MYSQL_HOME/bin:$PATH





In MS-Windows define the following environment variables by using the control panel (System):

JAVA_HOME=c:\jdk1.7.0_05 PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%

MAVEN_HOME=c:\apache-maven-3.0.4 PATH=%MAVEN_HOME%\bin;%PATH% MAVEN_OPTS=-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -XX:PermSize=256m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m




Basic installation and usage of MySQL Community Edition

  • Installation of MySQL 5.5.25a on Unix-like operating systems:

    We usually install MySQL as root user and run the server as normal user. As "root" user, proceed as follows (example for Linux):

    • Unpack mysql-5.5.25a-linux2.6-i686.tar.gz on some directory (e.g. /usr/local).

    • chown -R root:root mysql-5.5.25a-linux2.6-i686 NOTE: For Mac OS X, use "root:wheel" instead of "root:root" with "chmod".

    • chmod -R 755 mysql-5.5.25a-linux2.6-i686

    • Create the symbolic link "/usr/local/mysql" pointing to the directory where MySQL is installed: ln -s pwd/mysql-5.5.25a-linux2.6-i686 /usr/local/mysql

    • In ubuntu OS, you must install libio1 library sudo apt-get install libaio1

    As normal user, proceed as follows:

    • Create a directory where MySQL will store its databases. For example: /home/user/.MySQLData.

    • Create $HOME/.my.cnf file with a similar content to the following:

      [mysqld] datadir=/home/user/.MySQLData

      Change the value of "datadir" to the directory created previously.

    • cd /usr/local/mysql

    • scripts/mysql_install_db

      This will create "mysql" and "test" databases in the directory specified by the previous "datadir" option.

  • Installation of MySQL 5.5.25a on MS-Windows operating systems:

    • Double-click on mysql-5.5.25a-winx64.msi. Use default options.

    • After the installation of MySQL, the MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard will run. Use default options but the following ones:

      • Best Support For Multilingualism.
      • Uncheck "Install As Windows Service" and check "Install Bin Directory
        In Windows PATH".

Create two databases

In order to minimize changes to pojo-examples default configuration, create two databases on MySQL with names "pojo" and "pojotest", and a user with name "pojo" and password "pojo". In the case of a Unix-like operating system, run the following commands as normal user.

  • Start the MySQL server.

    • Unix-like operating systems: mysqld
    • MS-Windows operating systems: mysqld
  • Create two databases with names "pojo" and "pojotest". "pojo" is used to run applications and "pojotest" for the Maven test phase.

    mysqladmin -u root create pojo mysqladmin -u root create pojotest

  • Create a user with name "pojo" and password "pojo", and allow her/him to access both databases from local host.

    mysql -u root

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON pojo.* to pojo@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'pojo'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON pojotest.* to pojo@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'pojo';

  • Try to access both databases as user "pojo" with password "pojo".

    mysql -u pojo --password=pojo pojo mysql -u pojo --password=pojo pojotest

  • Shutdown the MySQL server.

    mysqladmin -u root shutdown

Initializing the database and building the examples

  • mvn sql:execute install

Installation and configuration of Tomcat

  • Unpack apache-tomcat-7.0.29.tar.gz.

  • Copy the JDBC driver to Tomcat's "lib" directory.

    • MySQL JDBC driver: M2_REPO/repository/mysql/mysql-connector-java/5.1.21/mysql-connector-java-5.1.21.jar

      M2_REPO is the location of the local Maven repository (by default, $HOME/.m2 in Unix-like operating systems, C:\Documents and Settings<loginName>.m2 in XP and C:\Users<loginName>.m2 in Vista/7).

  • Define a global DataSource named "jdbc/pojo-examples-ds".

    • Add the following lines to conf/server.xml, inside the "" tag.

    • Add the following lines to conf/context.xml, inside the tag.

Running Web appplications

pojo-servjsptutorial, pojo-tapestrytutorial, and pojo-minibank provide Web applications. pojo-minibank requires the database server to be running.

  • Running with Maven/Jetty.

Below it is indicated how to run pojo-minibank. Rest of Web applications are run in a similar way.

cd pojo-minibank mvn jetty:run

Browse to http://localhost:9090/pojo-minibank

  • Running with Tomcat.

    • Copy the ".war" file (e.g. pojo-minibank/target/pojo-minibank.war) to Tomcat's "webapp" directory.

    • Start Tomcat: cd <>/bin startup.sh

    • Browse to http://localhost:8080/pojo-minibank.

    • Shutdown Tomcat: shutdown.sh

Configuring Eclipse

  • "Preferences" wizard is available under "Window" menu option on Windows and Linux, and "Eclipse" menu option under Mac OS X.

  • Use Java 1.7:

    • Go to "Preferences>Java>Compiler" and select "1.7" for "Compiler
      compliance level".
    • Go to "Preferences>Java>Installed JREs" and select the JVM 1.7.0.
  • Set the default text encoding for Eclipse to UTF-8 Go to "Preferences>General>Workspace" and select UTF-8 as the Text File Encoding. This should set the default encoding for the resources in your workspace.

  • Set the default text encoding for Java properties files to UTF-8 Go to "Preferences>General>Content Types>Text>Java Properties File", set "Default encoding" to "UTF-8" and click "Update".

  • Set the XML colorer for Tapestry page template files Go to "Preferences>General>Content Types" and add the "*.tml" file extension to the "Text / XML" content type.

  • Install the Subclipse plugin (it provides support for Subversion within Eclipse) Go to "Help>Install New Software...". Use the following site: http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.8.x Check all the items, accept the license and finish the installation.

    For OSs where JavaHL (JNI) is not available (e.g. Linux OS and Mac OS X): Configuration: Go to "Preferences>Team>SVN>SVN interface" and set "Client" to "SVNKit (Pure Java)".

  • Install the Maven SCM handler for Subclipse compliant with Subclipse 1.8.x Go to "Help>Install New Software...". Use the following site: http://subclipse.tigris.org/m2eclipse/1.0 Check all the items, accept the license and finish the installation.