
A 'Tweeter like' website called 'Twister'

MIT License



This is a university project for "Technologies du Web (3i017) - L3 Sorbonne Universit" It's a 'Tweeter like' website called 'Twister' it contains :

  • A server-side (Java EE)
  • A client-side (ReactJS)

if you did find this project helpful, please leave a star for it.


  • Amine Djeghri
  • Ahmed Adonis Haouili

Programming Languages & Development Tools

Langage & Tech:

Java EE, SQL, NoSQL, ReactJS


Eclipse, WebSotrm


-tomcat v9.0 (added to eclipse) -nodeJS v10.14.2 (to run reactjs)

Testing Software:

Postman (read the Testing guide)

SQL database:

-mysql local: wamp/xamp -mysql on cloud ( , don't change the generated password when you create your database)

NoSQL database:

-mongoDb 4.0.6 local -mongoDb Atlas on cloud

Data visualization on mysql:


Data visualization on mongoDB:

mongoDB Compass: a GUI that lets you visually, explore your data.


did only first part of it


First Clone it:

 git clone

-the server-side is Twister/Back-End, import the project inside Eclipse and run it in a server (Tomcat v9.0) -the client-side is Twister/Front-End, run it with npm (You need to be inside twister-react): cd twister-react npm install npm start

You can change the actual configuration of the server-side inside the file:


Or keep the actual configuration which is:

  • PHPMyAdmin 3.1.7: port:80 , username='root', password='root' with MySQL port 3306 and the Database name 'twister_bd'
  • MongoDB: port 27017 , database name is 'twister_BD'
  • the mysql database script is : Twister/DatabaseScript/twister_BD.sql
    -To use the local or the remote database : open the java file Twister/Twister/src/db/, and choose the database in both functions:
    getMySQLConnection and getMongoDBConnection

Important :

The required services to code are in Ennoncs/listeServices.pdf

We changed the name of the services so they will look like Tweeter and added also some other services

Here all the services : ( Services are more detailed in the file: BackEnd_FrontEnd_DOC.pdf)

  • CreateUser (like inscription)
  • Login
  • Logout
  • AddTwist (like tweet , previous naming: addMessage/addComment)
  • Like (liking a tweet)
  • Comment (to comment a tweet)
  • RemoveTwist (previous naming: RemoveMessage)
  • ListTwists (previous naming: ListMessage)
  • Wall Twists
  • Follow (preview naming: AddFriend)
  • ListFollowers (previous naming: ListFriends)
  • ListFollowing
  • Unfollow (previous naming: RemoveFriend)