
Maven report of updates available for project dependencies

APACHE-2.0 License



Report of which dependencies of a project have updates. This plugin provides a similar report to the versions updates-report. This plugin provides simpler configuration to eliminate non-production updates in the report. This plugin will only produce an xml report of updates for the declared dependencies in a project.


There is a single goal. report generates an xml report of the updates available for each dependency.

Mojo details at plugin info


Parameter Property Default Description
localRepository localRepository The local repositories to check for updates
outputDirectory project.reporting.outputDirectory site The directory for the report
outputEncoding outputEncoding UTF-8 The encoding for the report
qualifierRegex updates.qualifier (?i:Release|GA|Final) The regular expression to accept qualifiers
remoteArtifactRepositories project.remoteArtifactRepositories The remote repositories to check for updates
reportName updates.report dependency-updates-report.xml The report name
retrievalThreadCount updates.threads 8 Number of threads to retrieve dependency updates
skip updates.skip false Skip executing the plugin

Ignoring Non-production updates

You probably don't want to be informed of alpha, beta, snapshot, release candidates or other non-production ready versions. The qualifierRegex parameter allows you to specify which version qualifiers will be reported as updates. The default qualifierRegex specifies a case-insensitive match of Release, GA, or Final.


  • Maven 3.5 or later
  • Java 1.8 or later

Typical Use


