

Vaadin LoginForm


Vaadin LoginForm is an add-on for Vaadin. It requires at least Vaadin 7.3 Specifically it will not work with Vaadin 6. To use it, you have to compile your own widgetset, using the precompiled widget set will not work with this addon.

To create a login form that supports auto-completion and auto-fill for modern versions of Firefox, Chrome, IE and Safari, you can use the classes com.ejt.vaadin.loginform.DefaultVerticalLoginForm or com.ejt.vaadin.loginform.DefaultHorizontalLoginForm and add a listener to handle login events:

// Add the loginForm instance below to your UI
DefaultVerticalLoginForm loginForm = new DefaultVerticalLoginForm();
loginForm.addLoginListener(new LoginListener() {
    public void onLogin(LoginEvent event) {
                "Logged in with user name " + event.getUserName() +
                        " and password of length " + event.getPassword().length());


For arbitrary layouts, extend com.ejt.vaadin.loginform.LoginForm and implement createContent as well:

public abstract class MyLoginForm extends LoginForm {
    protected Component createContent(TextField userNameField, PasswordField passwordField, Button loginButton) {
        HorizontalLayout layout = new HorizontalLayout();

        layout.setComponentAlignment(loginButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_LEFT);
        return layout;

    // You can also override this method to handle the login directly, instead of using the event mechanism
    protected void login(String userName, String password) {
            "Logged in with user name " + userName +
            " and password of length " + password.length()

The userNameField, passwordField and loginButton components are specially prepared to work with password managers. You can override createUserNameField, createPasswordField and createLoginButton to replace the components with your own implementations or to add styles. To change captions, you can override getUserNameFieldCaption, getPasswordFieldCaption and getLoginButtonCaption.

In technical terms, the add-on wraps the login UI in an HTML form element that submits a POST request to a dummy resource. The text field for user name and the password field receive special attributes so that they are recognized by the password manager.

See the TestUi class for a runnable example.

Build instructions

The addon is built with gradle. The default task builds the distribution JAR file in build\libs. To compile the widgetset for running the Tomcat run configuration in the IntelliJ IDEA project, run the "compileWidgetSet" gradle task first. No gradle installation is required, executing


in the root directory will download gradle and build the jar file.


Vaadin LoginForm is released under the Apache License, Version 2.0.