
This is a Vaadin Addon that provides a Model-View-Presenter Framework



MVP-Lite is a Vaadin add on to build Model-View-Presenter based applications. You can find a tutorial in the wiki.

We built an demo Vaadin-App that simulates an web-email client. Durring this tutorial we try to explain the most components and make examples by refering to this example app. The complete code of the demo app can be found here on github. At the end of this tutorial you should be able to use our MVP-Lite framework to build well designed (software pattern) Vaadin applications.


  1. It all starts with the EventBus
  2. Model-View-Presenter: The Basics
  3. Model-View-Presenter: Using MVP-Lite
  4. View-Hierarchy and ShowViewEvents
  5. Navigation
  6. GlobalEventBus: Real time communication