
An android application to conjugate/deconjugate French verbs (based on Vebiste data)


New maintained version here:

Verbiste android

An open-source android application to get the conjugation of French verbs and to get back a verb from its conjugated form

in order to generate the database you need to run the python script

cd utils ; python


The database is licensed under GPLv2 as required by verbiste project

the code is licensed under MIT license (I need to add the 'official' copyright notice)

How the project has been created from command line and vim

first of all a lot of the command line can be found in the actual android training guide, so if a commands seems outdated, refers to that training guide


  • you have already downloaded the last android SDK

  • you have downloaded the Android Support Library

  • you have added the directory containing the android SDK binaries

  • you're using Pathogen to handle your vim plugins in your PATH variable, for me it was for example ~/Downloads/android-sdk-linux/tools and ~/Downloads/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools

  • you've added these environment variables ANDROID_HOME and ANDROID_SDK both pointing to the path of your SDK

Vim configuration

* git clone
* git clone
* git clone

the two vim-android are actually slightly different, also for bpowell/vim-android I did edit the installation script to not compile supertab and the "textmate" plugin and I needed to install exuberant-ctags

Other cli tools

logcat in color in your terminal

sudo pip install logcat-color

and then use the command

logcat color

Creating the project (Ant)

android create project \
    --target 1 \
    --name VerbisteAndroid \
    --path . \
    --activity MainActivity \
    --package com.allansimon.verbisteandroid

then add the link to appcompat v7 (Note, it MUST be a relative path)

android update project \
    --target 1 \
    --path . \
    --library ../path/to/android-sdk-linux/extras/android/support/v7/appcompat

you also need to generate a build.xml for that library, go in the extras/android/support/v7/appcompat

and run

android update project --target 1 -p .

Compiling (Ant)

from the command line ant debug

for some obscure reason, make sure your path in is a RELATIVE PATH

Compiling (gradle)

from the command line ./gradlew build

Pushing the apk to a device

just plug in USB your device (be sure to have activated developer options) and then

adb install -r bin/VerbisteAndroid-debug.apk (-r is to indicate we want to reinstall)

Running app in debug mode

simply run the script ./utils/ . (see the file to if you need to understand the magic)

Running unit test


Check style



thanks to the verbiste project for collecting all the French verbs and their conjugation