
Save your Vertec time!

BSD-2-CLAUSE License



Who likes faster Vertec?


Download the jar from the releases and run it. You can use it in the CLI or with the GUI.

GUI mode

If you don't like command line then just run the GUI:

java -jar vertecor.jar --ui

It's just GUI. It's self-explanatory.

CLI mode

This is the default mode, when no argument is provided:

java -jar vertecor.jar

The Vertecor is user friendly: if you don't specify arguments in the command line, it will ask for it. So, you don't have to pass anything; just run the program. However, you may speed up and automate the process by passing few or all required arguments.

Vertecor will now aks for all the data. Something like this:

Program arguments

You can optionally pass one or more arguments from CLI:

Options are:

  • --ui - runs the UI.
  • --nocache - ignores local cache. No cache will be created or consumed, everything will be (slowly) fetched from the server.
  • --clearcache - clears the cache before the execution. New cache will be created.
  • -d | --date <date> - the date in ISO format (yyyy-MM-dd).
  • -m | --message <message> - specifies the description
  • -h | --hours <hours> - the decimal amount of spent hours

There are 3 parameters:

<project-phase-type> [<hours> [<message>]]

Parameters are:

  • project-phase-type - comma-separated IDs for the project, phase and/or service type (notice the TIP on above screenshot!)
  • hours - decimal value for spent hours
  • message - description

You may specify anything you want, everything is optional. The Vertecor will ask for anything not provided.

Usage Examples

Run the gui:

java -jar vertecor.jar --ui

Run the gui without any cache:

java -jar vertecor.jar --ui --nocache

Use the CLI and specify date and hours; ask for project information and a message:

java -jar vertecor.jar -d 2018-06-15 -h 2.5

Use the CLI and set everything in command line, don't ask for anything more:

java -jar vertecor.jar 111,222,333 2.5 "Awesome work"

Use the CLI and clears the cache, pass the hours and description, ask for the project:

java -jar vertecor.jar -h 1.5 -m "Good job" --clearcache

You get the point :)

Some things to be aware of

  • Project related entries are cached. They are fetched very first time and cached locally. This improves the speed. To invalidate the cache, just pass the --clearcache option.
  • Cache can be ignored by passing --nocache option.
  • Username & password in stored in the cache folder, too, in plaintext. Yeah.
  • Cache folder is located at ~/.vertec.
  • Works on Java8.
  • You need UTF8 font in console.

Development notes

It's easy to build:

./gradlew clean jar

Disclaimer: I made this project to learn German. Please do not use it to enter Vertec times.
