
Android App for file transfer using Wifi P2P


APK link : Download

To use the app you need two devices with android 4.0 or above.

  1. Run the app in both devices
  2. Click START DISCOVERY on both apps.
  3. After succussful discovery, a list of available devices will be shown.
  4. Choose the device you want to connect from any one device.
  5. Click CONNECT from any one device.
  6. Wait for connection to be established.
  7. Click CONFIGURE on both devices.
  8. On one device click Server Start
  9. View the toasts to see if connection was successful.
  10. Type in text box and click SEND STRING( complete step 8 first ).
  11. View the send data on other device.


How it works?

  1. The app uses WIFI P2P API to establish connection.
  2. After connection establishment, a socket connection is established between two devices.
  3. The groupOwner acts as Server and other acts as client.
  4. Data is sent through streams.

Current issues:

  1. Device connectivity is not reliable
  2. Socket port is hard coded