


Custom project from start.vaadin.com

This project was created from https://start.vaadin.com. It's a fully working Vaadin application that you continue developing locally. It has all the necessary dependencies and files to help you get going.

The project is a standard Maven project, so you can import it to your IDE of choice. You'll need to have Java 8+ and Node.js 10+ installed.

To run from the command line, use mvn and open http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

Project structure

  • MainView.java in src/main/java contains the navigation setup. It uses App Layout.
  • views package in src/main/java contains the server-side Java views of your application.
  • views folder in frontend/src/ contains the client-side JavaScript views of your application.

What next?

vaadin.com has lots of material to help you get you started: