
JavaFX editor for the ownNote files locally stored in ownCloud folder

BSD-3-CLAUSE License



JavaFX editor for the ownNote files locally stored in ownCloud/nextCloud folder.

Aim was to mimic the behaviour of the former ownNote web client using JavaFX and working directly on the ownNote files in a local directory. This code does NOT update any of the SQL tables used by owNote - but so far this doesn't seem to impact anything.

Note on v6.0: After the "classic" look & feel from ownNotes has been removed it might actually be time to rename the whole project to something like "htmlNoteEditor". But we have enough changes for one major release...

Note on v5.0: A lot has happened since the initial version of the editor. ownNotes / nextNotes project for NextCloud seems to have died and there is no need anymore to try to mimic their behaviour and notes / groups handling. Therefore, its time for some re-design :-)

Note on Java 11: After various tweaks to build.gradle this now also runs under Java 11. See e.g. https://github.com/kelemen/netbeans-gradle-project/issues/403 an some of the discussion that where required to get there... Unfortunately, there is one issue with the TestFX framework when trying to drag & drop notes. Since I wasn't able to fix this I had to disable the "testDragNote()" test step.

V 6.1

  • Upgraded tinymce to 5.10.1
  • "Archiving" of notes: moving to the same group name but under new special group "Archive"
  • Paste as Text
  • Various updates and fixes to deal with hierarchical group names (as required for Archiving)
  • Various bugfixes

V 6.0: Getting rid of old stuff

  • Removed "classic" look & feel
  • Changed all group handling to use tags
  • Show icons for groups in tag tree and tab views, highlight based on distance to due date
  • Show note count for tag tree view
  • Tasks can have tags
  • Editor to change icon and color for tags
  • Calendar for KANBAN board incl. drag & drop to set due dates
  • Bugfixes, small features: store recent note per group, insert link to attachments in notes, ...

Important: Once in a while I can see log messages that indicate mess-ups when changing task status in text & tasklist. But so far nothing the note text has never been mixed up...

V 5.2: Fixes

  • Mark tasks for current note in bold in tasklist
  • Bugfix changes in TaskBoard & TaskCard not updated in all places
  • Bugfix scrollbars in note editor
  • Bugfix showing new attachment multiple timestamp
  • Bugfix no color for new group tags

V 5.1: KANBAN is here

  • Compress task data in note if too long
  • Show completed tasks as strikethrough
  • Taskdata editor
  • KANBAN board for tasks with basic functions (drag & drop, archive / restore)
  • Verification of note content to find any messups from the code
  • Show unsaved changes as italic note name
  • Bugfixes & performance updates

V 5.0: Styling up for Christmas...

  • A new look & feel using tags: TagTree! Instead of having groups as tabs above we now have the complete tag tree to the left to select notes based on any tags
  • Groups are a special form of tags - since they also show up in the filename. (Maybe that'll change in the future - once I have gained some more experience with the new look)
  • Add tags via drag & drop to tag tree
  • Option "Archive" closed tasks by replacing the checkbox with a symbol - to speed up things once a lot of tasks have been used
  • Option to compress images to reduce note file size
  • As usual: various bugfixes and speed improvments
  • NOTE: As part of the refactoring the name of the look & feel has changed - that doesn't act well with stored preferences. So first time things will default to "classic" ownNote look & feel

V 4.8: Tags!

  • Rudimentary tags support: tags can be added to notes and are stored as html-comments in the note; initial support to add & maintain tags; per day on author & timestamp is remembered
  • Switch to JMetro theme
  • Remember last edited not and load on start
  • Improve opening in previous position on multi-monitors
  • Various bugfixes incl. for test classes

V 4.7: Tasks!

  • Task support: checkboxes = tasks, are listed in separat view to the right, can be checked / unchecked / selected from there
  • Bugfix paste image from clipboard

V 4.6: Fixes

  • Search for unchecked items
  • PASTE always uses context of system clipboard
  • Cntrl+C now defaults to copy as plain text
  • Cntrl+C works in code view window
  • Support for English & German OS when replacing menu entries

V 4.5: Check names

  • Ensure that note & group names are valid filenames under WINDOWS & UNIX
  • Added option to copy selection as plain text
  • Allowed changing of note and group names CaSe only

V 4.4: Updated TinyMCE

  • Updated TinyMCE to 4.9.1
  • Fixed links in help dialog

V 4.3: Find in files

  • Added option to find in files instead of note names
  • Added test case for filtering

V 4.2: Java11

  • Changes for Java11

V 4.1: Filter notes

  • Added a filter for note names
  • Added About menu

V 4.0: Lets go TinyMCE

  • Switched from prism.js to TinyMCE as notes editor (thanks to a lot of experience collected while working on GPXEditor...)
  • Synched toolbar items with nextnote
  • added drag & drop support for text files and images

Note on Java 10: Minor updates where made to make this run under Java 10. In OwnNoteHTMLEditor a non-exported API from com.sun.javafx.scene.control.ContextMenuContent is used to delete unwanted ContextMenu entries like "Reload page". To make this work under Java 10 as well the trick from https://stackoverflow.com/a/47265102 had to be used in the compile options.

V 3.1: Minor changes

  • Using FontAwesome for button images

V 3.0: All You Ever Wanted

  • Switched from JavaFX HTMLEditor to prism.js as notes editor; add/remove html code during load and save of notes
  • Enable features from prism.js like syntax coloring, ...
  • Insert links, code, images, checkboxes
  • View source code

V 2.1: Added TestFX test harness

  • Complete test harness for the "oneNote" look & feel using TestFX
  • Now showing number of notes as part of the tab header
  • Entries in the notes list colored as their corresponding tab. So when you select the "All" group you'll get a very colorful notes list...

V 2.0: Various improvements have been added:

  • New option to change look & feel to something similar to OneNote, incl. drag & drop of notes, reordering group tabs, ...
  • The ownCloud directory is monitored for changes and group & notes lists are updated in case of changes
  • Bugfixes

See https://github.com/Fmstrat/ownnote for ownNote.

DISCLAIMER: This has been tested randomly with my ownNote files. Use at your own risk!

run & try

Make sure you have Java 8 SDK installed.

You can try to run and use this application by

  • cloning this repo to you harddisk
  • go to the "ownNoteEditor" subdirectory
  • type ./gradlew run.


If you want to, you can reference your locally synced notes dir directly with a parameter like


To change to look and feel you can use

--lookAndFeel="classic" / "groupTabs" / "tagTree"

Both things can also be changed using the UI.

create a jar file or a distributable tree on Linux or Windows

./gradlew installDist

The tree will be in build/install.

create a Mac OS X .app bundle

NOTE: Not sure if this still works...

./gradlew createApp

The resulting application will be in the directory build/macApp.

create a Mac OS X .dmg file (will only work on Mac OS X)

NOTE: Not sure if this still works...

./gradlew createDmg

The resulting file will be in the directory build/distributions.


Of course, such a project depends on the results of many others! I've tried to add comments with links to stackoverflow, ... wherever I have re-used the ideas and code of others. In case I have forgotten someone: that was only by accident/incompetency but never intentionally. I'm grateful for anyone that provides his/her results for public use!

Explicit dependencies:

  • tf.JavaHelper:JavaHelper:1.15 https://github.com/ThomasDaheim/JavaHelper, not available via maven <- any help appreciated on how to best include as sub/meta/... repository

  • 'commons-cli:commons-cli:1.5.0'

  • 'commons-io:commons-io:2.11.0'

  • 'org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:3.12.0'

  • 'org.apache.commons:commons-text:1.10.0'

  • 'commons-codec:commons-codec:1.15'

  • 'com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream:1.4.19'

  • 'org.unbescape:unbescape:1.1.6.RELEASE'

  • 'org.jfxtras:jfxtras-controls:1.4.19'

  • 'org.jfxtras:jmetro:11.6.16'

  • 'org.controlsfx:1.4.19'

  • 'de.jensd:fontawesomefx:8.9'

  • 'org.testfx:testfx-junit:4.0.+'

  • 'org.testfx:testfx-core:4.0.+'

  • 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.9.1'

  • 'com.github.stefanbirkner:system-lambda:3.2.1'