
A template to optimizing images based on markdown tags!


11ty image optimization by tag

This is a demo of how you can run 11ty's image plugin across any part of your site, no shortcodes required!

The goal:

  1. Find all img tags in a given template
  2. Replace with an optimized picture element

Note: this only works in 11ty's latest v1.0 beta. You can install this by adding the @beta flag to your 11ty install: npm i @11ty/eleventy@beta

Running and building

  1. Install dependencies using npm i
  2. Run npm run dev to spin up the dev server
  3. Run npm run build for production builds

The core setup

This code snippet (found in the .eleventy.js config) powers everything you're seeing:

module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
  eleventyConfig.addExtension('md', {
    read: true,
    compile(markdown) {
      return async function render(data) {
        // let 11ty process markdown how it normally would
        const html = await this.defaultRenderer(markdown);
        const $ = cheerio.load(html);
        // if this markdown file has the "blog" tag applied...
        if (data.tags?.includes('blog')) {
          await Promise.all([
            // loop over all the images in the document
            $('img').toArray().map(async (img) => {
              // grab the image attributes
              const { src = '', alt = '', sizes = '100vw' } = img.attribs;
              // convert to an optimized image
              const optimizedImage = await imageShortcode(src, alt, sizes);
              // and replace the image with an optimized one

        return $.html();