
an example of 11ty and lit

MIT License


11ty and Lit

This repo is an example of using 11ty and Lit together.



Dev mode:

npm i && npm run dev

Prod mode:

npm i && npm start


11ty is a static site builder. Lit is a library that makes it easy to build Web Components. In this example, we combine the two so that you can sprinkle interactivity in a static site with Lit. We also use 11ty islands to make it easy to SSR your components and control how they are hydrated to provide an "island of interactivity".

Directory Structure

site directory

This directory holds your 11ty templates. See the 11ty docs for more info.

site/_includes directory

This is for templates global to the 11ty templating system. Here we have a default.html layout and a layouts directory for layouts that are specific to a page or set of pages.

Make sure to include default.html in your layouts and in your 11ty json config files or simply extend them in nunjucks.

site/css directory

This holds your css files. Later, you may want to minify these.

site/fonts and site/images directories

These hold your fonts and images. They are empty right now, but they will be copied over to the dist directory.

site/* (everything else)

Most of these are for templating in 11ty. See the 11ty docs for more info. If you'd like to hook into the 11ty data system you may want to add a _data directory and consult the 11ty docs.

src/components directory

This directory holds your Lit components. If you add a component here, to hook it up to SSR, add it to the src/ssr.ts file and make sure to add it to tsEntrypoints in esbuild.config.mjs to make sure it's included in the bundler. If you don't want to SSR a component, you can add it to the appropriate file in src/pages/<your page name>.ts;

src/pages directory

This is a place to put logic for individual pages. If you want to add a component to a page, you can import it here and just use it in your templates. These files are automatically added to the build.

src/ssr.ts file

This loads the files onto the server for Server-side rendering. 11ty will then server-side render any components on the page.

esbuild.config.mjs file

This creates your bundles. It uses esbuild to bundle your components and your pages. You can add more entrypoints here if you want to add more entrypoints for hydration. The output of this will then be copied over to 11ty's appropriate output directory into the /js directory. e.g. dev mode will output _dev/js/ and prod mode will output _prod/js/.

eleventy.cjs file

This is the configuration file for 11ty. Please consult the docs.

eleventy-helpers directory

This directory includes some files that modularize and organize the 11ty config file so that it does not become a giant mess of a file.