
30 React Components in 30ish days

MIT License



30 React Components in 30ish days

I decided to challenge myself and create 30 react components in about 30 days. I can't commit it to be 30 days but I will try my best.

The Components to be added are here: http://flask.io/nHLj2

Note about the videos

The videos are not to be seen as tutorials, they will not be edited in the majority of cases and I will Fuck up in all of them probably since they will start from scratch and the components will be built interest on the video. It's mainly to get ideas how to fix common issues and for you to have this experience with me so we can be awesome together There may not be a lot of sound in some of them since I live with 3 people who already think I am insane and I don't perpetuate that :p


CSS JavaScript Tools
PostCSS Babel Webpack
CSSnext Flowtype Yarn
css-modules React React Styleguidist
stylelint ESlint


  • yarn start -> serve the react styleguidist
  • yarn test -> run eslint, flow and unit tests