
3on3Doer is an pomodoro app which helps to finish tasks, not getting started with tasks.



Pomodoro app which helps to finish tasks, not getting started with tasks.

Tech Used

  • Application: React
  • State Management: Redux ToolKit
  • Routing: React Router
  • Firebase : Authentication , Firestore Database
  • CSS: Plain CSS
  • Testing: Not Done

Package Used

  • react-toastify - to show toast text for actions completion


  • Authentication:

    • User Signup
    • User Login (Email, Password OR Login as Guest User)
    • Logout
  • Public Routes:

    • Landing Page
    • Login
    • Signup
  • Private Routes:

    • All Tasks Listing Page
    • Add New Task
    • Toggle Task Status
    • Update Task
    • Delete Task
    • Single Task Page
      • Timer for completing task
      • Task description
      • Start, Pause and Restart Timer
      • Task Status Auto Completed Mark On Timer End
      • Task Status Auto Not-Completed Mark On Restart
      • Start and Pause Disable For Completed Tasks

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3 on 3 Doer

How to run app locally

  • Clone the repository
    • On Terminal change directory to 3on3 Doer directory.
    • Add .env file to the root directory
    • Place all your app related keys from the created firebase project and place it in the .env as below
     REACT_APP_API_KEY=<your key>
     REACT_APP_AUTH_DOMAIN=<your domain>
     REACT_APP_PROJECT_ID=<your project id>
     REACT_APP_STORAGE_BUCKET=<your storage bucket>
     REACT_APP_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID=<your sender id>
     REACT_APP_APP_ID= <your app id>
    • Type npm start and hit enter.
    • Project is running locally.


  • For folder naming convention follow camelCase naming
  • For components and pages follow PascalCase naming
    convention for files.
  • For javascript code follow camelCase naming convention.
  • For components and pages create file with jsx extension type, and
    if code repeats more than twice break code into hooks for modularity.
  • For rest, except css use camelCase convention.
