
An in-memory web api for demos and tests

MIT License


angular2-in-memory-web-api (DEPRECATED)

Deprecated in favor of the angular repo: https://github.com/angular/in-memory-web-api

Way out of date and no longer maintained

An in-memory web api for Angular 2 demos and tests.

See usage in the Angular.io Server Communication chapter.

To Do

  • add documentation
  • add tests (shameful omission!)

Build Instructions

Mostly gulp driven.

The following describes steps for updating from one Angular version to the next

This is essential even when there are no changes of real consequence. Neglecting to synchronize Angular 2 versions triggers typescript definition duplication error messages when compiling your application project.

  • gulp bump - up the package version number

  • update CHANGELOG.MD to record the change

  • update the dependent version(s) in package.json

  • npm install the new package(s) (make sure they really do install!) npm list --depth=0

  • consider updating typings, install individually or together: npm run typings -- install packagename1 packagename2 --ambient --save

    NB: Do not add to npm postinstall as that screws up consumers!

  • npm run tsc to confirm the project compiles w/o error (sanity check)

-- NO TESTS YET ... BAD --

  • gulp build

  • commit and push

  • npm publish

  • Fix and validate angular.io docs samples

  • Add two tags to the release commit with for npmcdn

    • the version number
    • 'latest'