
Maximize yields on assets across different AAVE markets



An AAVE dashboard with a focus on interest rate arbitrage oppurtunities. The Web3 component of this project is built with scaffold-eth. Check out below for details on building on this project locally.


is everything you need to get started building decentralized applications powered by smart contracts


git clone https://github.com/austintgriffith/scaffold-eth.git

cd scaffold-eth

yarn install

yarn start

in a second terminal window:

cd scaffold-eth
yarn chain

in a third terminal window:

cd scaffold-eth
yarn deploy

Edit your smart contract YourContract.sol in packages/hardhat/contracts

Edit your frontend App.jsx in packages/react-app/src

Edit your deployment script deploy.js in packages/hardhat/scripts

Open http://localhost:3000 to see the app

Keep solidity by example handy and check out the Solidity globals and units

With everything up your dev environment starts looking something like this:

React dev server, HardHat blockchain, deploy terminal, code IDE, and frontend browser.

You can `yarn run deploy` any time and get a fresh new contract in the frontend:

. Each browser has an account in the top right and you can use the faucet (bottom left) to get testnet eth for gas:

Once you have funds, you can call setPurpose on your contract and "write" to the purpose storage:

Look for the HardHat console.log() output in the yarn run chain terminal:

Maybe start super simple and add a counter uint8 public count = 1;

Then a function dec() public {} that does a count = count - 1;

What happens when you subtract 1 from 0? Try it out in the app to see what happens!


You can iterate and learn as you go. Test your assumptions!

Send testnet ETH between browsers or even on an instantwallet.io selecting localhost:

Global variables like msg.sender and msg.value are cryptographically backed and can be used to make rules

Keep this cheat sheet handy

Maybe we could use block.timestamp or block.number to track time in our contract

Or maybe keep track of an address public owner; then make a rule like require( msg.sender == owner ); for an important function

Maybe create a smart contract that keeps track of a mapping ( address => uint256 ) public balance;

It could be like a decentralized bank that you function deposit() public payable {} and withdraw()

Events are really handy for signaling to the frontend. Read more about events here.

Spend some time in App.jsx in packages/react-app/src and learn about the Providers

Big numbers are stored as objects: formatEther and parseEther (ethers.js) will help with WEI->ETH and ETH->WEI.

The single page (searchable) ethers.js docs are pretty great too.

The UI framework Ant Design has a bunch of great components.

Check the console log for your app to see some extra output from hooks like useContractReader and useEventListener.

You'll notice the <Contract /> component that displays the dynamic form as scaffolding for interacting with your contract.

Try making a <Button/> that calls writeContracts.YourContract.setPurpose(" Hello World") to explore how your UI might work...

Wrap the call to writeContracts with a tx() helper that uses BlockNative's Notify.js.

Next learn about structs in Solidity.

Maybe an make an array YourStructName[] public proposals; that could call be voted on with function vote() public {}

Your dev environment is perfect for testing assumptions and learning by prototyping.

Next learn about the fallback function

Maybe add a receive() external payable {} so your contract will accept ETH?

OH! Programming decentralized money! So rad!

Ready to deploy to a testnet? Change the defaultNetwork in packages/hardhat/hardhat.config.js

Generate a deploy account with yarn generate and view it with yarn account

Create wallet links to your app with yarn wallet and yarn fundedwallet

Installing a new package to your frontend? You need to cd packages/react-app and then yarn add PACKAGE

Installing a new package to your backend? You need to cd packages/harthat and then yarn add PACKAGE

( You will probably want to take some of the hooks, components with you from scaffold-eth so we started eth-hooks )

Good luck!

Quickstart: Smart Contract Sandbox

Learn how to quickly iterate on a smart contract app using the <Contract /> component.

Join the telegram support chat to ask questions and find others building with scaffold-eth!

. Watch the long form scaffold-eth introduction on youtube for the EEA.

Tutorial 1: Programming Decentralized Money

Learn the basics of scaffold-eth and building on Ethereum. HardHat, create-eth-app, hot reloading smart contracts, providers, hooks, components, and building a decentralized application. Guided Tutorial

Learn about tokens. [coming soon] What is a token? Why is it cool? How can I deploy one? Exotic mechanisms? (todo)

Tutorial 3: Minimum Viable Decentralized Exchange

Learn the basics of Automated Market Makers like Uniswap. Learn how Reserves affect the price, trading, and slippage from low liqudity.


Tutorial 4: Connecting ETH to IPFS

Build a simple IPFS application in scaffold-eth to learn more about distributed file storage and content addressing. Live Tutorial

Learn about to provide your users with better UX by abstracting away gas fees and blockchain mechanics. (todo)

Tutorial 6: Decentralized Deployment

Learn how to deploy your smart contract to a production blockchain. Then deploy your applicaton to Surge, S3, and IPFS. Finally, register an ENS and point it at the decentralized content! Live Tutorial

Using The Graph with scaffold-eth

Nifty Ink

Paintings come to life as you "ink" new creations and trade them on Ethereum. A deep dive into NFTs, OpenSea, react-canvas-draw, react-color, and onboarding user experience.

SpeedRun (TODO)

Source Code

Instant Wallet

An instant wallet running on xDAI insired by xdai.io.

Source Code

Personal Token Voting

Poll your holders! Build an example emoji voting system with scaffold-eth. Cryptographically signed votes but tracked off-chain with Zapier and Google Sheets.


Source Code


Exchange Reddit MOONs for ETH or DAI through xDAI. Learn about different providers and how bridges can connect different chains with different security models.


Source Code


Remember someone permanently on the blockchain. Write an obituary and upload a photo of a person and their memory will be encoded on the blockchain, forever.

^^^ PR your scaffold-eth project in above!!! ^^^

Building on Ethereum in 2020 (research)

Original Quickstart with TODO List:

First, you'll need NodeJS>=10 plus Yarn and Git installed.


git clone https://github.com/austintgriffith/scaffold-eth.git rad-new-dapp

cd rad-new-dapp

git checkout quickstart

yarn install

This will take some time. How about a quick tour of the file structure with your favorite code editor?

Sometimes the install throws errors like "node-gyp", try the next step even if you see problems. (You can also download the Apple command line tools to fix the warning.)


yarn start

Edit your frontend App.jsx in packages/react-app/src and open http://localhost:3000


yarn run chain

Note: You'll need to run this command in a new terminal window

Use this eth.build to double-check your local chain and account balances

Compile your contracts:

yarn run compile

Deploy your contracts to the frontend:

yarn run deploy

Watch for changes then compile, deploy, and hot reload the frontend:

yarn run watch

Your dapp hot reloads as you build your smart contracts and frontend together

Edit your smart contract SmartContractWallet.sol in packages/hardhat/contracts

There is a spelling error in packages/hardhat/contracts/SmartContractWallet.sol! Can you fix it and deploy the contract locally?

Warning: It is very important that you find SmartContractWallet.sol in packages/hardhat/contracts because there are other contract folders and it can get confusing.

Test your contracts by editing myTest.js in packages/hardhat/contracts:

yarn run test

List your local accounts:

yarn run accounts

Check account balance:

yarn run balance **YOUR-ADDRESS**

Send ETH:

yarn run send --from 0 --amount 0.5 --to **YOUR-ADDRESS**

Configure HardHat by editing hardhat.config.js in packages/hardhat

The HardHat network provides stack traces and console.log debugging for our contracts

Speedrun ( 7 min):

Smart Contract Sandbox:


git clone https://github.com/austintgriffith/scaffold-eth.git smart-contract-sandbox

cd smart-contract-sandbox

yarn install


#run in original terminal window:
yarn start
#run in terminal window 2:
yarn run chain
#run in terminal window 3:
yarn run deploy

Edit or rename your smart contract YourContract.sol in packages/hardhat/contracts

Edit your frontend App.jsx in packages/react-app/src

Open http://localhost:3000 to see the app

Make sure are running your local chain yarn run chain and your contract is deployed with yarn run deploy

Try yarn run watch and as you change your Solidity, your frontend <Contract/> will hot reload to give you access to new variables and functions:

Video Guide

RTFM: Check out solidity by example and check out the Solidity globals and units

Good luck, and go get 'em!

Web3 Providers:

The frontend has three different providers that provide different levels of access to different chains:

mainnetProvider: (read only) Infura connection to main Ethereum network (and contracts already deployed like DAI or Uniswap).

localProvider: local HardHat accounts, used to read from your contracts (.env file points you at testnet or mainnet)

injectedProvider: your personal MetaMask, WalletConnect via Argent, or other injected wallet (generates burner-provider on page load)

Ant.design is the UI library with components like the grids, menus, dates, times, buttons, etc.


Transactor: The transactor returns a tx() function to make running and tracking transactions as simple and standardized as possible. We will bring in BlockNative's Notify library to track our testnet and mainnet transactions.

const tx = Transactor(props.injectedProvider, props.gasPrice);

Then you can use the tx() function to send funds and write to your smart contracts:

  to: readContracts[contractName].address,
  value: parseEther("0.001"),

Warning: You will need to update the configuration for react-app/src/helpers/Transactor.js to use your BlockNative dappId


Commonly used Ethereum hooks located in packages/react-app/src/:

usePoller(fn, delay): runs a function on app load and then on a custom interval

usePoller(() => {
  //do something cool at start and then every three seconds
}, 3000);

useBalance(address, provider, [pollTime]): poll for the balance of an address from a provider

const localBalance = useBalance(address, localProvider);

useBlockNumber(provider,[pollTime]): get current block number from a provider

const blockNumber = useBlockNumber(props.provider);

useGasPrice([speed]): gets current "fast" price from ethgasstation

const gasPrice = useGasPrice();

useExchangePrice(mainnetProvider, [pollTime]): gets current price of Ethereum on the Uniswap exchange

const price = useExchangePrice(mainnetProvider);

useContractLoader(provider): loads your smart contract interface

const readContracts = useContractLoader(localProvider);
const writeContracts = useContractLoader(injectedProvider);

useContractReader(contracts, contractName, variableName, [pollTime]): reads a variable from your contract and keeps it in the state

const title = useContractReader(props.readContracts, contractName, "title");
const owner = useContractReader(props.readContracts, contractName, "owner");

useEventListener(contracts, contractName, eventName, [provider], [startBlock]): listens for events from a smart contract and keeps them in the state

const ownerUpdates = useEventListener(


Your commonly used React Ethereum components located in packages/react-app/src/:

<Address />: A simple display for an Ethereum address that uses a Blockie, lets you copy, and links to Etherescan.

  <Address value={address} />
  <Address value={address} size="short" />
  <Address value={address} size="long" blockexplorer="https://blockscout.com/poa/xdai/address/"/>
  <Address value={address} ensProvider={mainnetProvider}/>

<AddressInput />: An input box you control with useState for an Ethereum address that uses a Blockie and ENS lookup/display.

  const [ address, setAddress ] = useState("")


<Balance />: Displays the balance of an address in either dollars or decimal.


<Account />: Allows your users to start with an Ethereum address on page load but upgrade to a more secure, injected provider, using Web3Modal. It will track your address and localProvider in your app's state:

const [address, setAddress] = useState();
const [injectedProvider, setInjectedProvider] = useState();
const price = useExchangePrice(mainnetProvider);

Notice: the <Account /> component will call setAddress and setInjectedProvider for you.

Warning: You will need to update the configuration for Web3Modal to use your Infura Id

<Provider />: You can choose to display the provider connection status to your users with:

<Provider name={"mainnet"} provider={mainnetProvider} />
<Provider name={"local"} provider={localProvider} />
<Provider name={"injected"} provider={injectedProvider} />

Notice: you will need to check the network id of your injectedProvider compared to your localProvider or mainnetProvider and alert your users if they are on the wrong network!

Smart Contract Wallet:

Edit your smart contract SmartContractWallet.sol in packages/hardhat/contracts

Then edit the SmartContractWallet.js React component in packages/react-app/src

Run yarn run compile and yarn run deploy or just yarn run watch

Run this eth.build with your contract address to ask it who its owner is.

OpenZeppelin Contracts -- TODO

You can import any of the OpenZeppelin contracts:

import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";

The Graph -- speed run tutorial video

GSN -- See Nifty.ink!

Save to your Git

Create a new repo with the same name as this project and then:

git remote add origin https://github.com/**YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME**/**YOUR_COOL_PROJECT_NAME**.git
git push -u origin master

Ship it!

You can deploy your static site and your dapp can go live:

yarn run build

# ship it!

yarn run surge


yarn run s3


yarn run ipfs