
A classlight CSS utility for your HTML

MIT License


Abridge CSS

Abridge.css is a CSS library for semantic html, it adds a nice default style for all HTML elements. This was originally created to be used as a classless or optionally class-light framework for a semantic html Zola Blog Theme. It can save you a lot of time when you need to style HTML for your HTML/React/Vue demo on CodePen/CodeSandbox. It can also be used as a base style for your blog/website.

Maintainence of this project is made possible by all the contributors and sponsors. If you'd like to sponsor this project and have your avatar or company logo appear below click here. 💖

View demo

Abridge CSS uses normalize.css and sanitize.css to ensure consistent styling across browsers (no IE support). When using Abridge CSS, you don't need to include normalize.css or sanitize.css anymore.

Abridge CSS uses CSS variables and is structured to be modular, so you can include only the parts that you need. There are three themes included: light, dark, and automatic. The automatic theme will display either a light or dark theme depending on the users browser preference setting. (prefers-color-scheme: dark)

Abridge CSS is very lightweight, and the size can be further tuned by including only what you plan to use.

I created Abridge.css primarily to use with Zola, and because I was after a set of features: semantic/classless, dark mode, responsive text, Normalize, Sanitize, and overall small size. I researched various css frameworks prior to creating this framework: tabulated comparison of css frameworks


  • Drop in to use, no configuration.
  • Class-light (there are very few classes)
  • Consistent styling across browsers thanks to normalize.css and sanitize.css
  • Responsive
  • Supports light and dark themes (automatically detect the OS/browser mode and switch)
  • Uses CSS variables
  • Uses rem
  • Lightweight
  • Semantic


See https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Jieiku/abridge.css/master/dist/abridge.css


Abridge SASS variables can be overrided by editing sass\abridge.scss file in your project's root sass folder.

Page Width:

$mw:75%,// max-width

Abridge Theme Modes

$abridgeMode: "switcher",//valid values: switcher, auto, dark, light
  • Switcher automatically displays a dark or light version depending on browser/OS settings, and has a javascript user clickable theme switcher.
  • Auto automatically displays a dark or light version depending on browser/OS settings.
  • Dark is the dark theme always.
  • Light is the light theme always.

Colors and Styles

You can specify which color template you want to use as a base:

$color: "orange",// color template to use/override: orange, blue, blueshade

Then override individual colors as needed:

/// Dark Colors
$f1d: #ccc,// Font Color Primary
$f2d: #ddd,// Font Color Headers
$c1d: #111,// Background Color Primary
$c2d: #222,// Background Color Secondary


install nodejs: https://nodejs.org/

git clone https://github.com/Jieiku/abridge.css
cd abridge.css
npm install sass
npm run-script main
