
MERN authentication flow

MIT License


Using Application


  1. Clone this repository.
    git clone
  2. Install all the dependencies in root & client folder.
    npm install
    cd client
    npm install
  3. Create a .env in root folder.
    These environment variables are required:
    • PORT → Mention a custom port for running the Express server (default is 5000).
    • MONGO_URI → Put your MONGO_DB connection string here.
    • JWT_SECRET → Put anything you like, it will be used for auth_token validation.
    • Format:

Scripts Available

root (backend)

  1. npm run dev → Runs the server in development mode.
    (Highly recommended if you want to tweak API)
    • Uses nodemon to monitor changes to the API.
    • Uses morgan to log the request data.
  2. npm start → Runs the server in production mode.
    (Mostly going to be used for deployment to cloud)

client (frontend)

  1. npm start → Invokes react-scripts start.
  2. npm build → Invokes react-scripts build.
  3. npm test → Invokes react-scripts test.
  4. npm eject → Invokes react-scripts eject.


For now there are two ongoing branches:

  1. master → Has the Bootstrap based client application.
  2. material-ui → Has MaterialUI based client application.

More info coming soon!