
Abstract.js is a web framework for fast development

MIT License



Abstract.js is a new and amazing framework for fast web development. It's the world's first Logic Oriented Program Framework(As I know). Using Abstract.js you can construct a readable, tidy project.

  • **Abstract Models & Core Concept:**Here the Models don't refer to the M of MVC, but drawn from the model concept in Mathematic. Abstract.js rethought construction of the web page and found the common and abstract actions in web development.
    We extract two base models which can describe all the web development. So it's rendering model and relationship model in Abstract.js.
    The relationship model is based on a simple state machine and using for describing the relationship between the rendering models. While the rendring model is using for rendering modules of the web page.
    But it's not enough just with the two base models, Abstract.js also offers the connction methods between the models to make it more convenient building the web world.
  • **Virtual DOM and Event Propagation:**Models refer to the Real Dom. Models construct Virtual DOM Tree with parent&child relationship and event propagation.
  • **Logical Abstracted:**Abstract Models are like ribs of the page. Many logical programmings are encapsulated, So you build your page fast.

##Doc Doc

##examples simple render model

var nav = new RenderModel({
    el: '.nav',
    data: {
        navList: [
            {name: '简介', cn: '_intro'},
            {name: '应用', cn: '_applacation'},
            {name: '文档', cn: '_doc'}
    tmpl: "<li soda-repeat='item in navList' onclick='switchNav(\"{{item.cn}}\")' class='{{item.cn}}'>{{item.name}}</li>",
    events: function(){
        window.switchNav = function(name){
            Model.trigger("." + name);


page model

var intro = new RenderModel({
    el: '.intro',
    tmpl: 'Model.js'

var nav = new RenderModel({
    el: '.nav',
    data: {
        navList: [
            {name: '简介', cn: '_intro'},
            {name: '应用', cn: '_applacation'},
            {name: '文档', cn: '_doc'}
    tmpl: "<li soda-repeat='item in navList' onclick='switchNav(\"{{item.cn}}\")' class='{{item.cn}}'>{{item.name}}</li>",
    events: function(){
        window.switchNav = function(name){
            Model.trigger("." + name);

var page = new PageModel();

observe events

var intro = new RenderModel({
    el: '.intro',
    tmpl: 'Model.js'

intro.addEventListener("completed", function(e){
     // do something

###Learn Abstract.js(comming soon)