
A simple way to test ag-grid with Playwright. Extensible enough to cover the all of ag-grid's features.

MIT License



Test ag-grid using Playwright in a simple, consistent, and extensive way. This library lets you test simple rows and columns or extend it to test ag-grid from playwright in it's entirety.


Wrap your React ag-grid with AGGridTestHarness and give it a unique gridId.

      <AGGridTestHarness gridId="my-grid-id">
        <AgGridReact rowData={[...]} columnDefs={[...]} />

Your test code has access to rows and columns with one call from ag-grid api or DOM.

  // from ag-grid api
  const agGridApiRows = await page.evaluate(() => window.agGrid.getApiRows('my-grid-id'));
  const agGridApiColumns = await page.evaluate(() => window.agGrid.getApiColumns('my-grid-id'));

  // from rendered dom
  const agGridDomRows = await page.evaluate(() => window.agGrid.getDomRows('my-grid-id'));
  const agGridDomColumns = await page.evaluate(() => window.agGrid.getDomColumns('my-grid-id'));

Example Use Cases

  • You need a simple way to access the rows and columns of an ag-grid.
  • You have an ag-grid with a master detail panel and you need to test the contents of your detail panel is rendered as you expect after expanding a row.
  • You want to expand a row group to check the rendered rows.
  • You need to do something programmically in the ag-grid api and then test the results of your application.

Read more about the motivation for this plugin here.


  • React 18 For now examples are for React 18. However, more examples can be added to cover all the frameworks that ag-grid supports pure JavaScript, Vue, Angular, and Solid.
  • ag-grid 30 While this has been tested with ag-grid 18 prior version are likely to be compatiable. Also note this library has a dependency on the internal api of ag-grid


npm install ag-grid-playwright


      <AGGridTestHarness gridId="my-grid-id">
            { make: "Toyota", model: "Celica", price: 35000 },
            { make: "Ford", model: "Mondeo", price: 32000 },
            { make: "Porsche", model: "Boxster", price: 72000 }
          columnDefs={[{ field: 'make' },{ field: 'model' },{ field: 'price' }]
        } />

In your test you can now access the raw grid api rows and columns or via the neatly with getApiRows, getApiColumns, getDomRows, and getDomColumns.

import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';

test.beforeEach(async ({ page }, testInfo) => {
  await page.addInitScript({ path: 'node_modules/playwright-ag-grid/aggrid-test-util.js' });

test('Test our AGGrids rows and columns match the data we expect', async ({ page }) => {
  const expectedRows = [
    { make: "Toyota", model: "Celica", price: 35000 },
    { make: "Ford", model: "Mondeo", price: 32000 },
    { make: "Porsche", model: "Boxster", price: 72000 }

  const expectedColumns = ['make', 'model', 'price'];
  await page.goto('');
  const grid = page.locator('.my-grid-id');
  await grid.waitFor();

  const agGridApiRows = await page.evaluate(() => window.agGrid.getApiRows('my-grid-id'));
  const agGridApiColumns = await page.evaluate(() => window.agGrid.getApiColumns('my-grid-id'));



Demo & Further Examples Code / Tests

Run the following to commands in separate consoles in order to start the demo app and run the Playwright tests.

In the examples folder run

  npm install
  npm run dev

in the test folder run

  npm install
  npm run tests

Check out for full example app and for full example test.

How to extend

Cover all of ag-grid capabilities including enterprise version.

// In your test code add a custom script
test.beforeEach(async () => {
  await page.addInitScript({ path: 'node_modules/playwright-ag-grid/aggrid-test-util.js' });
  // add your custom helper
  await page.addInitScript({ path: 'playwright-ag-grid/src/custom-ag-grid-test-util.js' });

In your custom-ag-grid-test-util.js you can now add custom functions with full access to the ag-grid api. Call any method in NOTE: You must return json.

window.agGrid = ['isFirstNodeExpanded'] = (testId) => {
    const api = window?.__AG_GRID_TEST__[testId]?.api;
    const node = api?.getRowNode(0);
    return node.isExpanded;

In your test you can now call your custom test helper.

test('Test using our custom AGGrids helper', async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto('');
  const grid = page.locator('.my-grid-id');
  await grid.waitFor();

  const isFirstNodeExpanded = await page.evaluate(() => window.agGrid.isFirstNodeExpanded('my-grid-id'));

To debug your custom helpers keep pause page execution with a while statement and set playwright headless config to false

test('Test using our custom AGGrids helper', async ({ page }) => {
  await page.goto('');
  const grid = page.locator('.my-grid-id');
  await grid.waitFor();
  while(true) {}; //add for debugging
  const isFirstNodeExpanded = await page.evaluate(() => window.agGrid.isFirstNodeExpanded('my-grid-id'));

You can now debug your helpers fully in Chrome.



There currently is not an easy way to test ag-grid extensively with Playwright (or Cypress). You get bogged down with endless class selectors which are bittle and hard to maintain and read.


ag-grid-playwright creates a single link between your ag-grid and instance and test code allowing full access to the ag-grid's api in memory as your test code interacts with it. Furthermore, all of the DOM selectors to access the raw DOM elements can be isolated to a single aggrid-test-util.js helper class making it easier to read and maintain.