
A fully javascript based discord music bot that runs on node

GPL-3.0 License


Discord Music Bot

An open-source TypeScript music bot for discord that runs on Node.

Next to listening to music you also can:

  • Manage the channels the bot can't join
  • Fully manageable roles and permissions
  • Ability to blacklist songs
  • Choose your own custom prefix


Commands (prefixed with your defined prefix)

  • help List commands
  • join Joins a channel
  • play <query|url> Add song to queue
  • forceplay <query|url> Plays a song directly, skipping the current song
  • pause Pause current song
  • resume Resume current song
  • queue <page> List queue, page command is optional
  • skip Skip current song
  • np Show the song that is currenty playing
  • shuffle Suffles the queue
  • remove <index|range|user> Remove a song from the playlist (index, range or mention a user)
  • move <old index> <new index> Move a songs from one index to another
  • volume <0-100> Set the volume
  • mute Mute the bot
  • unmute Unmute the bot
  • clearqueue Clears queue and stops playing
  • disconnect Disconnect bot from channel and clear queue
  • statistics See global, server and personal statistics
  • blacklist show Lists blacklisted YouTube ids
  • voicechannel show Lists blocked voice channels for the bot

Admin commands:

  • blacklist add <YouTube-url> Adds a YouTube video to the blacklist
  • blacklist remove <YouTube-id> Removes a YouTube video from the blacklist
  • voicechannel disallow <channel-name> Blocks the bot from joining a channel
  • voicechannel allow <channel-name> Removes the channel from the blacklist
  • dj role <role> Set the DJ role
  • dj require <command> Set a command to DJ-only (help command is always public)
  • dj remove <command> Remove DJ-only from a command
  • prefix <char> Set the prefix for commands


  • Administrators can always run every command
  • Admin commands can only be ran by administrators. When you give admin-only commands DJ-only, DJ's are also able to run this command.

Pre requirements


  1. Install all pre requirements
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Copy config.json.example > config.json
  4. Copy youtube.config.json.example > youtube.config.json
  5. Run npm install to install all dependencies
  6. Make sure all your credentials are correct

config.json example

  "secret": "Your secret", // This password is used for the http
  "http_port": 8000, (8000 by default)
  "message_lifetime": 30000,
  "token": "Discord api token",
  "prefix": ".",
  "queue_limit": 50, // -1 for unlimited
  "firebase": {
    "apiKey": "",
    "authDomain": "",
    "databaseURL": "",
    "projectId": "",
    "storageBucket": ""

config.youtube.json example

  "API_KEY": "Paste your key here",
  "default_stream_options": {
    "seek": 0,
    "volume": 1

Run the bot

  1. Run npm start in the installation directory


See our trello