
My global aliases.



aliases Build Status

Warning: This is still an experimental tool. Use at your own risk!


My global aliases packaged as a node module for easy installation/update across machines.


  1. Install globally. E.g.:

    npm install --global @gkalpak/aliases
  2. Use from anywhere. For example:

    gs   // git status
    gl1  // git log --decorate --oneline
    lla  // ls -ahl
    nv   // node --version
    nls  // npm list --depth=0
  3. All aliases also accept the following arguments:

    • --gkcu-debug: Produce verbose, debug-friendly output.
    • --gkcu-dryrun*: Print the command instead of actually running it.
    • --gkcu-sapVersion: Choose a different implementation for the command runner. (Default: 2)
    • --gkcu-suppressTbj*: Suppress the "Terminate batch job (Y/N)?" confirmation on Windows.

    See cli-utils for more details.

    NOTE: All arguments starting with --gkcu- will be ignored when substituting input arguments or determining their index.

    (*): This is still an experimental feature and not guaranteed to work as expected.

Run halp for a list of all available aliases. Run halp <category> for a list of available aliases for a particular category (e.g. git, node, misc).

Global Dependencies

Obviously, aliases refer to other global commands/scripts. In order for an alias to work, the corresponding command must be globally available. You can see each alias' global dependency by inspecting the associated command (e.g. via halp).

Here is the list of all global dependencies with associated min. version (older versions are not guaranteed work):


The following test-types/modes are available:

  • Code-linting: npm run lint Lint JavaScript files using ESLint.

  • Unit tests: npm run test-unit Run all the unit tests once. These tests are quick and suitable to be run on every change.

  • E2E tests: npm run test-e2e Run all the end-to-end tests once. These test may hit actual API endpoints or perform expensive I/O operations and are considerably slower than unit tests.

  • All tests: npm test / npm run test Run all of the above tests (code-linting, unit tests, e2e tests). This command is automatically run before every release (via npm run release).

  • "Dev" mode: npm run dev Watch all files and rerun linting and the unit tests whenever something changes. For performance reasons, e2e tests are omitted.


Things I want to (but won't necessarily) do:

  • Investigate suppressTbj issue (e.g. nrx/yrx) on Node.js v10.2.0-10.10.0+.
  • Add more e2e tests.
  • Add aliases for:
    • Updating to the latest Node.js version on a branch. E.g. nvup 6 would:
      • Install the latest 6.x version.
      • Install packages (either via naga or by looking at the previously installed 6.x version).
      • Uninstall older 6.x versions.
    • Installing the latest Node.js version on a branch. E.g. nvi 8 would:
      • Install the latest 8.x version.
      • Install packages (either via naga or by looking at the highest installed version).