
An easy way to monitor your state while developing with Alpine

MIT License


Alpine Inline DevTools

Monitor and update your component state while developing with Alpine JS

Live Demo


Include the following <script> tag in the <head> of your document (before Alpine):

<!-- To be used during development only -->
@if (App::environment(['local', 'staging'])) {
    <script src="[email protected]/dist/Default.js"></script>

Coming soon

  • Currently from the Dev Tools, you can update strings, booleans, and arrays, but not numbers and objects.


Choose from a variety of themes. (Demo)

My current favorite is Dracula:

<script src="[email protected]/dist/Dracula.js"></script>


  • Add x-devtools-ignore to instruct the DevTools to ignore specific components.
  • Add x-title to set the title (will default to the aria-label, x-id then id otherwise).
  • Add your own button with an id of alpine-devtools-button to prevent the iframe from loading (will load a popup when pressed)
  • Add your own iframe with an id of alpine-devtools-iframe to position it where you like (see demo)
  • Click the status bar on the iframe to collapse it. It will remember this on page reload.

Wrapped up as a browser extension

If there's enough interest I will look into packaging this up as a browser extension so you can run it on any page whether in development or not


If you're interested in contributing to this project, please read our contributing docs before submitting a pull request.


Copyright (c) 2020 Kevin Batdorf

Licensed under the MIT license, see for details.