
Add tooltips to your Alpine 3.x components with a custom directive.

MIT License


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Alpine Tooltip

Add tooltips to your Alpine 3.x components with a custom directive.

This package only supports Alpine v3.x.


This plugin adds a new x-tooltip to Alpine, alongside a bunch of modifiers for changing your tooltip's behaviour.



Include the following <script> tag in the <head> of your document, just before Alpine.

    src="[email protected]/dist/cdn.min.js"


npm install @ryangjchandler/alpine-tooltip

Add the x-tooltip directive to your project by registering the plugin with Alpine.

import Alpine from "alpinejs";
import Tooltip from "@ryangjchandler/alpine-tooltip";


window.Alpine = Alpine;


You will also need to include the following CSS in your document:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />


To create a tooltip, use the x-tooltip directive on an element.

<div x-data="{ tooltip: 'This is crazy!' }">
    <button x-tooltip="tooltip">Hover for info!</button>

Raw text

If you don't want to bind your tooltip's content to a data property in your Alpine component, you can add the .raw modifier to the directive and set the content using the directive expression instead.

<button x-data x-tooltip.raw="Hello, world!">
    Raw Tooltip

The expression / text inside of the directive will be used as the tooltip and it will only be initialised and configured once.

Disabling the tooltip

If you wish to disable the tooltip you can set the data property to a falsy value, i.e. an empty string, null, undefined or false. If you wish to re-enable the tooltip, just update the data property to a truthy expression and the plugin will call the enable() method on the Tippy instance.


The x-tooltip directive is powered by Tippy.js. Tippy has a lot of different configuration options, some of which can be controlled via modifiers on the x-tooltip directive.

Modifier Description Usage
duration Change the transition duration (ms) of the toolip. x-tooltip.duration.500
delay Change the transition delay (ms) of the tooltip. x-tooltip.delay.500x-tooltip.delay.500-0
cursor Determines if the tooltip follows the user's cursor.Default behaviour will follow cursor around target element.x will follow the cursor horizontally.initial will place the cursor at the user's cursor on trigger. x-tooltip.cursorx-tooltip.cursor.xx-tooltip.cursor.initial
on Change the trigger event for the tooltip. Default behaviour is mouseenter and focus. x-tooltip.on.clickx-tooltip.on.focusx-tooltip.on.mouseenter
arrowless Hide the "arrow" on the tooltip. x-tooltip.arrowless
html Allow HTML inside of the tooltip. x-tooltip.html
interactive Allow the user to interact with the tooltip (prevent it from disappearing). x-tooltip.interactive
border Change the size of the invisible border (px) around the tooltip that will prevent it from hiding when the cursor leaves it. x-tooltip.interactive.border.30
debounce Change the time (ms) to debounce the interactive hide handler when the cursor leaves the tooltip. x-tooltip.interactive.debounce.500
max-width Change the max-width (px) of the tooltip. x-tooltip.max-width.500
theme Change the theme of the tooltip. Find out more here. x-tooltip.theme.light
placement Change the placement / position of the tooltip. Find out more here., x-tooltip.placement.bottom-start
animation Change the animation used for the tooltip. Find out more here. x-tooltip.animation.scale, x-tooltip.animation.perspective
no-flip Disable Popper's default auto-flip behaviour. This allows you to set a placement with .placement and always enforce it.


As well as the x-tooltip directive, this package also provides a $tooltip magic function that you can use to manually instantiate a tooltip.

<button @click="$tooltip('Hello, world!')">

When you click on this button, the tooltip will show and be hidden 2 seconds later.

Configuring the timeout

If you would like the tooltip to show for longer than 2 seconds, you can provide an object as the second argument to the $tooltip magic function.

<button @click="$tooltip('Hello, world!', { timeout: 5000 })">

The timeout should be in milliseconds (seconds * 1000).

Tippy configuration

The second argument to $tooltip should be an object. This object accepts all Tippy.js configuration options, found in the docs.

The magic variable will automatically set the content property to the value of the first argument, as well as the trigger property (manual). You're free to specify any other properties supported by Tippy.

<button @click="$tooltip('Hello, world!', { delay: 500 })">

Using another element for content

This package allows you to provide a raw configuration object for Tippy. This means you can use an HTML element to render the tooltip's content:

<div x-data="{ message: 'Hello, world!' }">
    <template x-ref="template">
        <p x-text="message"></p>

    <button x-tooltip="{
        content: () => $refs.template.innerHTML,
        allowHTML: true,
        appendTo: $root
        Show message!

There's a couple of things going on here:

  1. We provide a callback to the content property which will be invoked before Tippy renders the tooltip. This allows us to use dynamic HTML content as the content inside of the tooltip.
  2. We tell Tippy to allowHTML. By default, the HTML will be rendered as plain text.
  3. Tippy will append the actual tooltip element to the document.body by default. Since our <template> contains Alpine directives, placing those outside of our actual Alpine component will result in errors. To fix this, Tippy will instead append the element to the $root element which is the element where our Alpine component starts (a <div> in this case). This allows us to use Alpine directives inside of our template for data binding, etc.

Note If you wish to use buttons or other interactive elements inside of your content, you should add interactive: true to the object.

Setting default Tippy properties

Instead of using the same modifiers or configuration objects across all uses of $tooltip and x-tooltip, you can instead define a set of default properties that you'd like Tippy to use.

This can be done when importing and registering the plugin.

import Tooltip from '@ryangjchandler/alpine-tooltip'

        delay: 50,
        theme: 'dark',
        // ...


This projects follow the Semantic Versioning guidelines.


Copyright (c) 2021 Ryan Chandler and contributors

Licensed under the MIT license, see for details.