
My website Portfolio. This is my design portfolio where I share some of my design work.

MIT License


Table of Contents

[porfolio] https://amazinggracee.github.io/Portfolio1

My website Portfolio.

This is my design portfolio where I share some of my design work.

[Online link porfolio]

In this project:

  • For this project, we added the JavaScript + HTML + CSS linter.
  • I made sure that you used the correct GitHub flow.
  • I made sure that you documented your work in a professional way.
  • Follow our list of best practices for HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • I used Flexbox to place elements in the page.
  • I built a personal portfolio site.
  • I used images and backgrounds to enhance the look of my website.
  • I created a form with HTML5 validations.
  • I understood the importance of UX.
  • I understood how to parse a Figma design to create a UI.
  • We used media queries in our CSS file to make my desktop version look like the template I selected (Desktop: >=768px).
  • In order to lay out the elements on the page we used use Grid and Flexbox.
  • we did not implement any functionality that requires JavaScript
  • we replicated the design as much as possible (e.g., font, colors, images, text, margins) using the info from the Figma templates.
  • we the usefulness of transitions and animations.
  • we implemented functionality that requires JavaScript.
  • we used basic JavaScript syntax.
  • we used JavaScript to manipulate DOM elements.
  • we used JavaScript events.
  • we used objects to store and access data.
  • We processed user input according to business rules.
  • we use client-side validation to catch and throw errors in the UI.
  • we implemented the following interactions:
    - When the user changes the content of any input field, the data is saved to the local storage.
    - When the user loads the page, if there is any data in the local storage the input fields are pre-filled with this data.
  • we used the following data model:
    - we created a single JavaScript object with all the data from the entire form and save it in local storage.

Built With Technologies

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Tech Stack HTML, CSS and JavaScript

The entire project was built with only HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

Key Features

  • [key_feature_1] My Porfolio, built with CSS, Html and JavaScript.
  • [key_feature_2] Portfolio: Mobile Version.
  • [key_feature_3] Portfolio: add a contact form and finish the mobile version.
  • [key_feature_4] Portfolio: desktop version.
  • [key_feature_5] Portfolio - mobile menu.
  • [key_feature_6] Portfolio: details popup window.
  • [key_feature_7] Portfolio: validate contact form.
  • [key_feature_8] Portfolio: preserve data in the browser.

Live Demo demo

Getting Started Portfolio Repository


In order to run this project you need:

  1. A computer with a code writer, I recommend Visual Studio Code.
  2. A pre-knowledge of HTML,CSS and JavaScript.

Authors Authors

Amarachi Dimkpa

Gladwin Tshepo Ramantso

Rushema Anicet

Umair Hamza

Future Features

  • [new_feature_1] Add more behaviour via Javascript.


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

If you like this project feel free to go through it and comment.


I would like to thank Microverse Students that I have collaborated with since I started this journey.


Add at least 2 questions new developers would ask when they decide to use your project.

  • [Question_1]

    • [Answer_1]
  • [Question_2]

    • [Answer_2]


This project is MIT license licensed.

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