
Place where we can share hardware profiles for AVDs.

MIT License



Place where we can share hardware profiles for AVDs.

It's hard to find an up to date place which has downloadable hardware profiles for Android Studio.

How to add device

  1. Put the hardware profile in the correct brand folder at the root of the repo.

  2. Open devices.js in the website/src directory and add the new device inside of a new object according to the template:

    brand: "Samsung",
    model: "J2",
    size: 4.7,
    screenRatio: "long",
    xDimension: 960,
    yDimension: 540,
  • brand - Phone manufactorer. eg. Samsung || Huawei || Xiaomi etc.
  • model - Phone model. eg. Samsung Galaxy S8
  • size - Diagonal Screen Size in inches
  • screenRatio - If the phone is "tall", "large" etc.
  • xDimension - number of pixels in x dimension
  • yDimension - number of pixels in y dimension
  • githubPath - path to the hardware profile file here at github.
  1. Send PR.