
Google Analytics tracking for your AngularJS apps

MIT License



This service lets you integrate google analytics tracker in your AngularJS applications easily.

You can use basic functions, Analytics.trackEvent('video', 'play', 'django.mp4'); or more advanced e-commerce features like product tracking, promo codes, transactions...

Proudly brought to you by @revolunet, @deltaepsilon, @justinsa and contributors


  • highly configurable
  • automatic page tracking
  • event tracking
  • e-commerce (ecommerce.js) support
  • enhanced e-commerce (ec.js) support
  • multiple-domains
  • ga.js (classic) and analytics.js (universal) support
  • cross-domain support
  • multiple tracking objects
  • hybrid mobile application support
  • Chrome extension support
  • offline mode
  • analytics.js advanced debugging support

IMPORTANT! As of version 2.x, methods that were previously marked as deprecated have been removed from this library. The following methods are no longer available: setCookieConfig, getCookieConfig, createAnalyticsScriptTag, and createScriptTag. Each have been replaced with alternative implementations that can be found in this documentation.

Installation and Quick Start

The quick start is designed to give you a simple, working example for the most common usage scenario. There are numerous other ways to configure and use this library as explained in the documentation.

1- Installation:

You can install the module from a package manger of your choice directly from the command line

# Bower
bower install angular-google-analytics

npm i angular-google-analytics

# Nuget
nuget install angular-google-analytics

Or alternatively, grab the dist/angular-google-analytics.min.js and include it in your project

In your application, declare the angular-google-analytics module dependency.

<script src="bower_components/angular-google-analytics/dist/angular-google-analytics.js"></script>

2- In your application, declare dependency injection:

var myApp = angular.module('myModule', ['angular-google-analytics']);

3- Set your Google Analytics account and start tracking:

myApp.config(['AnalyticsProvider', function (AnalyticsProvider) {
   // Add configuration code as desired
   AnalyticsProvider.setAccount('UU-XXXXXXX-X');  //UU-XXXXXXX-X should be your tracking code
}]).run(['Analytics', function(Analytics) { }]);

Congratulations! angular-google-analytics is ready and Google Analytics will track your page views once the application is run

Configure Service

app.config(function (AnalyticsProvider) {
  // Add configuration code as desired - see below

Configuration Method Chaining

  // All configuration methods return the provider object and can be chained to reduce typing.
  // For example:
    .useECommerce(true, true);

Use Classic Analytics

// Use ga.js (classic) instead of analytics.js (universal)
// By default, universal analytics is used, unless this is called with a falsey value.

Set Google Analytics Accounts (Required)

// Set a single account

Note: the single account syntax is internally represented as an unnamed account object that will have all properties defined to defaults, except for name.

// Set multiple accounts
// Universal Analytics only
   { tracker: 'UA-12345-12', name: "tracker1" },
   { tracker: 'UA-12345-34', name: "tracker2" }

Note: the above account objects will have all properties defined to defaults that are not defined.

// Set a single account with all properties defined
// Universal Analytics only
  tracker: 'UA-12345-12',
  name: "tracker1",
  fields: {
    cookieDomain: '',
    cookieName: 'myNewName',
    cookieExpires: 20000
    // See: [Analytics Field Reference]( for a list of all fields.
  crossDomainLinker: true,
  crossLinkDomains: ['', ''],
  displayFeatures: true,
  enhancedLinkAttribution: true,
  select: function (args) {
    // This function is used to qualify or disqualify an account object to be run with commands.
    // If the function does not exist, is not a function, or returns true then the account object will qualify.
    // If the function exists and returns false then the account object will be disqualified.
    // The 'args' parameter is the set of arguments (which contains the command name) that will be sent to Universal Analytics.
    return true;
  set: {
    forceSSL: true
    // This is any set of `set` commands to make for the account immediately after the `create` command for the account.
    // The property key is the command and the property value is passed in as the argument, _e.g._, `ga('set', 'forceSSL', true)`.
    // Order of commands is not guaranteed as it is dependent on the implementation of the `for (property in object)` iterator.
  trackEvent: true,
  trackEcommerce: true

Note: the above properties are referenced and discussed in proceeding sections.

Use Display Features

  // Use display features module

If set to a truthy value then the display features module is loaded with Google Analytics.

In the case of universal analytics, this value will be used as the default for any tracker that does not have the displayFeatures property defined. All trackers with displayFeatures: true will be registered for display features.

Use Enhanced Link Attribution

  // Enable enhanced link attribution module

If set to a truthy value then the enhanced link attribution module is loaded with Google Analytics.

In the case of universal analytics, this value will be used as the default for any tracker that does not have the enhancedLinkAttribution property defined. All trackers with enhancedLinkAttribution: true will be registered for enhanced link attribution.

Use Cross Domain Linking

  // Use cross domain linking and set cross-linked domains
  AnalyticsProvider.setCrossLinkDomains(['', '']);

If set to a truthy value then the cross-linked domains are registered with Google Analytics.

In the case of universal analytics, these values will be used as the default for any tracker that does not have the crossDomainLinker and crossLinkDomains properties defined. All trackers with crossDomainLinker: true will register the cross-linked domains.

Track Events

This property is defined for universal analytics account objects only and is false by default.

If trackEvent: true for an account object then all trackEvent calls will be supported for that account object.

Set trackEvent: false for an account object that is not tracking events.

Track E-Commerce

This property is defined for universal analytics account objects only. This property defaults to true if e-commerce is enabled (either classic or enhanced) and false otherwise.

If trackEcommerce: true for an account object then all e-commerce calls will be supported for that account object.

Set trackEcommerce: false for an account object that is not tracking e-commerce.

Enable E-Commerce

  // Enable e-commerce module (ecommerce.js)
  AnalyticsProvider.useECommerce(true, false);

  // Enable enhanced e-commerce module (ec.js)
  // Universal Analytics only
  AnalyticsProvider.useECommerce(true, true);

  // Set Currency
  // Default is 'USD'. Use ISO currency codes.

Note: When enhanced e-commerce is enabled, the legacy e-commerce module is disabled and unsupported. This is a requirement of Google Analytics.

Set Route Tracking Behaviors

Note: In order to set route tracking behavior in the $routeProvider you need the ngRoute module in your application. Please refer to the official angular ngRoute documentation on how to install and use this service.

  // Track all routes (default is true).

  // Track all URL query params (default is false).

  // Ignore first page view (default is false).
  // Helpful when using hashes and whenever your bounce rate looks obscenely low.

  // URL prefix (default is empty).
  // Helpful when the app doesn't run in the root directory.

  // Change the default page event name.
  // Helpful when using ui-router, which fires $stateChangeSuccess instead of $routeChangeSuccess.

  // RegEx to scrub location before sending to analytics.
  // Internally replaces all matching segments with an empty string.

  // Activate reading custom tracking urls from $routeProvider config (default is false)
  // This is more flexible than using RegExp and easier to maintain for multiple parameters.
  // It also reduces tracked pages to routes (only those with a templateUrl) defined in the
  // $routeProvider and therefore reduces bounce rate created by redirects.
  // NOTE: The following option requires the ngRoute module
  // Add custom routes to the $routeProvider like this. You can also exclude certain routes from tracking by
  // adding 'doNotTrack' property
    .when('/sessions', {
      templateUrl: 'list.html',
      controller: 'ListController'
      templateUrl : 'master.html',
      controller: 'MasterController',
      pageTrack: '/session'  // angular-google-analytics extension
    .when('/member/:sessionId/:memberId', {
      templateUrl : 'member.html',
      controller: 'CardController',
      pageTrack: '/member',  // angular-google-analytics extension
      templateUrl: '404.html',
      doNotTrack: true       // angular-google-analytics extension

Set Domain Name

  // Set the domain name

Note: Use the string 'none' for testing on localhost.

Enable Experiment (universal analytics only)

  // Enable analytics.js experiments

Note: only a single experiment can be defined.

Support Hybrid Mobile Applications (universal analytics only)

  // Set hybrid mobile application support

If set to a truthy value then each account object will disable protocol checking and all injected scripts will use the HTTPS protocol.

Delay Script Tag Insertion and Tracker Setup

  // Must manually call registerScriptTags method in order to insert the Google Analytics scripts on the page.
  //   Analytics.registerScriptTags();
  // Must manually call registerTrackers method in order to setup the trackers with Google Analytics.
  //   Analytics.registerTrackers();
  // Helpful when needing to do advanced configuration or user opt-out and wanting explicit control
  // over when the Google Analytics scripts get injected or tracker setup happens.

Offline Mode

  // Start in offline mode if set to true. This also calls delayScriptTag(true) since the script cannot be
  // fetched if offline and must be manually called when the application goes online.

Disable Analytics / User Opt-out

  // Disable analytics data gathering via the user opt-out feature in Google Analytics. More information on this
  // is available here:

Note: Using this configuration option requires that you already know the user wants to opt-out before the analytics script is injected on the page. This is somewhat unlikely for most use cases given the nature of a single page application. This module provides a better alternative with Offline mode since you can effectively opt the user out of tracking by enabling offline mode at any time during execution.

Service Logging

  // Log all outbound calls to an in-memory array accessible via ```Analytics.log``` (default is false).
  // This is useful for troubleshooting and seeing the order of calls with parameters.

Test Mode

  // This method is designed specifically for unit testing and entering test mode cannot be changed after
  // being called. Test mode skips the insertion of the Google Analytics script tags (both classic and universal)
  // and ensures there is a $ method available for calling by unit tests. This corrects transient
  // errors that were seen during unit tests due to the operation of the Google Analytics scripts.

Debug Mode

  // Calling this method will enable debugging mode for Universal Analytics. Supplying a truthy value for the
  // optional parameter will further enable trace debugging for Universal Analytics. More information on this
  // is available here:

Anonymize IP

  tracker: 'UA-12345-12',
  set: {
    anonymizeIp: true

Using the Analytics Service

IMPORTANT! Due to how Google Analytics works, it is important to remember that you must always call Analytics.pageView(); when you want to push setting changes and function calls to Google Analytics.

Automatic Page View Tracking

If you are relying on automatic page tracking, you need to inject Analytics at least once in your application.

  // As an example, add the service to the run call: {});

Declaring a Controller

  // As an example, a simple controller to make calls from:
  app.controller('SampleController', function (Analytics) {
    // Add calls as desired - see below

Accessing Configuration Settings

The following configuration settings are intended to be immutable. While the values can be changed in this list by the user, this will not impact the behavior of the service as these values are not referenced internally; exceptions are noted below but are not intended to be utilized in such a way by the user. No guarantee will be made for future versions of this service supporting any functionality beyond reading values from this list.

  // This is a mutable array. Changes to this list will impact service behaviors.

  // If `true` then universal analytics is being used.
  // If `false` then classic analytics is being used.



  // ecommerce and enhancedEcommerce are mutually exclusive; either both will be false or one will be true.



  // Returns the current URL that would be sent if a `trackPage` call was made.
  // The returned value takes into account all configuration settings that modify the URL.

Manual Script Tag Injection and Tracker Setup

If delayScriptTag(true) was set during configuration then manual script tag injection and tracker setup is required. Otherwise, the script tag and trackers will be automatically injected and configured when the service is instantiated.

  // Manually create either classic analytics (ga.js) or universal analytics (analytics.js) script tags

  // Manually setup the tracker object(s)

Advanced Settings / Custom Dimensions

The set call allows for advanced configuration and definitions in universal analytics only. This is a no-op when using classic analytics.

  // Set the User Id
  Analytics.set('&uid', 1234);

  // Register a custom dimension for the default, unnamed account object
  // e.g., ga('set', 'dimension1', 'Paid');
  Analytics.set('dimension1', 'Paid');

  // Register a custom dimenstion for a named account object
  // e.g., ga('accountName.set', 'dimension2', 'Paid');
  Analytics.set('dimension2', 'Paid', 'accountName');

Page Tracking

  // Create a new pageview event

  // Create a new pageview event with page title
  Analytics.trackPage('/video/detail/XXX', 'Video XXX');

  // Create a new pageview event with page title, custom dimension, and custom metric
  // Universal Analytics only
  Analytics.trackPage('/video/detail/XXX', 'Video XXX', { dimension15: 'My Custom Dimension', metric18: 8000 });

Event Tracking

  // Create a new tracking event
  Analytics.trackEvent('video', 'play', 'django.mp4');

  // Create a new tracking event with a value
  Analytics.trackEvent('video', 'play', 'django.mp4', 4);

  // Create a new tracking event with a value and non-interaction flag
  Analytics.trackEvent('video', 'play', 'django.mp4', 4, true);

  // Create a new tracking event with a value, non-interaction flag, custom dimension, and custom metric
  // Universal Analytics only
  Analytics.trackEvent('video', 'play', 'django.mp4', 4, true, { dimension15: 'My Custom Dimension', metric18: 8000 });
  // Track an event that is an outbound transport request
      dimension15: 'My Custom Dimension',
      metric18: 8000,
      transport: 'beacon',
      hitCallback: function () {
        document.location = '';

Track User Timings

The trackTimings call is available for universal analytics only. This is a no-op when using classic analytics.

  Analytics.trackTimings(timingCategory, timingVar, timingValue, timingLabel);

  // example:
  var endTime = new Date().getTime(),
      timeSpent = endTime - startTime;
  Analytics.trackTimings('Time to Checkout', 'User Timings', timeSpent);

Classic E-Commerce (ecommerce.js)

Classic e-commerce and enhanced e-commerce are mutually exclusive.

  // Create transaction
  Analytics.addTrans('1', '', '2.42', '0.42', '0', 'Amsterdam', '', 'Netherlands', 'EUR');

  // Add items to transaction
  Analytics.addItem('1', 'sku-1', 'Test product 1', 'Testing', '1', '1');
  Analytics.addItem('1', 'sku-2', 'Test product 2', 'Testing', '1', '1');

  // Complete transaction

  // Clear transaction

Enhanced E-Commerce (ec.js)

Enhanced e-commerce is only available for universal analytics. Enhanced e-commerce and classic e-commerce are mutually exclusive.

Product Impression Tracking

  Analytics.addImpression(productId, name, list, brand, category, variant, position, price);

  // example:
  Analytics.addImpression('sku-1', 'Test Product 1', 'Category List', 'Brand 1', 'Category-1', 'variant-1', '1', '24990');
  Analytics.addImpression('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category List', 'Brand 2', 'Category-1', 'variant-3', '2', '2499');

Product Click Tracking

  Analytics.addProduct(productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position, custom);

  // example:
  Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
  Analytics.productClick('Search Result');

  // example with custom dimension and metric:
  Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1', { dimension4: 'strong', metric2: 5 });
  Analytics.productClick('Search Result');

Product Detail Tracking

  Analytics.addProduct(productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position);

  // example:
  Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');

Add to Cart Tracking

  Analytics.addProduct(productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position);
  Analytics.trackCart('add', listName); // listname is optional

  // example:
  Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
  Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
  Analytics.trackCart('add', 'Search Result');

Remove from Cart Tracking

  Analytics.addProduct(productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position);
  Analytics.trackCart('remove', listName); // listname is optional

  // example:
  Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
  Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
  Analytics.trackCart('remove', 'Search Result');

Checkout Tracking

  Analytics.addProduct(productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position);
  Analytics.trackCheckout(checkoutStep, optionValue);

  // example:
  Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
  Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2499', '1', 'FLAT10', '1');
  Analytics.trackCheckout(1, 'Visa');

Transaction Tracking

  Analytics.addProduct(productId, name, category, brand, variant, price, quantity, coupon, position);
  Analytics.trackTransaction(transactionId, affiliation, revenue, tax, shipping, coupon, list, step, option);

  // example:
  Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '2222', '1', 'MEN10', '1');
  Analytics.addProduct('sku-2', 'Test Product 2', 'Category-1', 'Brand 2', 'variant-3', '1111', '1', 'WOMEN10', '1');
  Analytics.trackTransaction('T1234', 'Online Store - Web', '3333', '10', '200', 'FLAT10', '', '', '');

Promotion Impressions

  Analytics.addPromo(productId, name, creative, position);

  // example:
  Analytics.addPromo('PROMO_1234', 'Summer Sale', 'summer_banner2', 'banner_slot1');

Note: Before tracking promotion clicks, call pageView, otherwise promotion impressions will be treated as promotion clicks.

Promotion Clicks

  Analytics.addPromo(promotionId, promotionName, creative, position);

  // example:
  Analytics.addPromo('PROMO_1234', 'Summer Sale', 'summer_banner2', 'banner_slot1');
  Analytics.promoClick('Summer Sale');

Exception Tracking

  Analytics.trackException(description, isFatal);

  // example:
  Analytics.trackException('Function "foo" is undefined on object "bar"', true);

Online / Offline Mode

  // While in offline mode, no calls to the ga function or pushes to the gaq array are made.
  // This will queue all calls for later sending once offline mode is reset to false.

  // Reset offline mode to false

In-Memory Queues

  // If logging is enabled then all outbound calls are accessible via an in-memory array.
  // This is useful for troubleshooting and seeing the order of outbound calls with parameters.

  // If in offline mode then all calls are queued to an in-memory array for future processing.
  // All calls queued to the offlineQueue are not outbound calls yet and hence do not show up in the log.


Alternatively, you can use a directive to avoid filling controllers with Analytics.trackEvent(); statements.

Note: the directive does not create an isolate scope.

  <button type="button" ga-track-event="['video', 'play', 'django.mp4']"></button>

  <!-- OR -->

  <button type="button" ga-track-event="['video', 'play', 'django.mp4', 4, true, {dimension15: 'My Custom Dimension', metric18: 8000}]"></button>

You can define the properties on your controller too, $scope.event = ['video', 'play', 'django.mp4'] and reference them.

  <button type="button" ga-track-event="event"></button>

ga-track-event-if is a conditional check. If the attribute value evaluates falsey, the event will NOT be fired. This is useful for user tracking opt-out, etc.

  <button type="button" ga-track-event="['video', 'play', 'django.mp4']" ga-track-event-if="shouldTrack"></button>


AdBlock EasyPrivacy

AdBlock has a module named EasyPrivacy that is meant to block web tracking scripts. angular-google-analytics.js gets filtered out by the EasyPrivacy blacklist.

Users who are already concatenating and minifying their scripts should not notice a problem as long as the new script name is not also on the EasyPrivacy blacklist. Alternatively, consider changing the file name manually.

Debugging Resources

Chrome Extension: Google Analytics Debugger Firefox Add-on: Google Analytics Debugger


As AngularJS itself, this module is released under the permissive MIT License. Your contributions are always welcome.


After forking you will need to run the following from a command line to get your environment setup:

  1. npm install

After install you have the following commands available to you from a command line:

  1. npm run-script lint
  2. npm test
  3. npm run-script test-server
  4. npm run-script build or npm run-script release
  5. npm run-script stage