
A project that follows the official AngularJS Tutorial but with a lot of comments

MIT License


AngularJS Tutorial Following

My code, heavily commented, after following the official AngularJS tutorial.


This is just the code that i've produced after following the official AngularJS' tutorial. I recommend that you, just like me, follow it from the begin till the end. It's really worthwile.

Commenting almost everything forces you to do some research to explain some things that are not trivial or at least are not stated on the tutorial.

This repo is basically just for me for seeing later if i forget (yes, i will) something.


$ ./scripts/
  • ps: make sure that there's the right server running localy on port 8000. The config for the e2e runner is based on that particular one for proxying.

Want to contribute?

That would be very cool, specially if you find an error. It is not my intent to change the content as it is intended to be a lot like the tutorial, as i said.

Let's code, Angular is awesome!